শুক্রবার, ১০ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২

Research on Human Papillomavirus Infection in Breast Cancer ...


Breast cancer is a leading female cancer and the third most common causeof cancer death worldwide. It is well-known that there are multiple risk factors,such as age, familial history and personal history of breast cancer, responsible forbreast cancer development. Nonetheless, these known risk factors can only beidentified in 20?50% of breast cancer patients, generating the attempt to find newrisk factors contributing to the pathogenesis of human breast cancer. Recentinvestigations have linked breast cancer to viral infections, such as Epstein-Barrvirus (EBV), mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) and human papilloma virus(HPV). The relationship between HPVs and other types of cancers includingcervical cancer, anogenital, and skin cancers has been well-established, forexample, 99.7% of cervico-uterine cancers were reported to relate to HPVinfection . HPV as a potential cause of human breast cancer have recently broughtmore attention because of the possibility of primary prevention of breast cancerwith HPV vaccine that has been sucessfully used in human cervical cancer . To date, the mechanism by which the virus reaches the breast has not been clearlyidentified. Firstly, as we know, the etiology of breast cancer has been extensivelyinvestigated, but still not ascertained. Secondly, the exposure of mammary duct tothe external environment carries risks of HPV infection, and most breast cancersoriginate from mammary duct epithelia. Lastly, HPV infection is very common inanogenital area and it also has a high chance to infect breasts because of humansexual styles. So we choose HPV as the first virus in our experiments.We collected 60 cases of breast cancer and 60 cases of benign tumour (30fibroadenoma ;20 intraductal papilloma ;10 adenosis) patients? cancer tissues, usedFQ-PCR and ISH for HPV detection together with histological examination basedon light microscopy and electron microscope. We demonstrated the absence ofhigh-risk HPV 16 18 in the tissues of breast cancer specimens . In addition, wealso show that the oncogenic characteristics of HPV associated breast cancer arenot very similar to HPV-associated cervical cancer. All the observations indicate anunlikely causal role for high-risk HPV in human breast cancer as some otherresearch.The main finding of this research include:1 We collected 60 of cases breast cancer and 60 cases of benign tumour patients,and used FQ-PCR to identify HPV 16 18 in cancer tissues. Distilled water wasused as negative controls and HPV-positive cervical cancer specimens as positivecontrols for procedures of DNA extraction and PCR .Our result is negative.2 The migration of charged colloidal particles under the influence of an appliedelectric field(120V) provided negative result.But all the HPV-positive controlshad good results.3 We performed in situ hybridization using a probe for HPV16 and 18 E6 E7 onall the breast cancer specimens. No case demonstrated detectable HPV DNA.4 We examined some of the female breast cancer cases by electron microscope, some small, solid particals were found different from normal nucleolus structure,but not virus?and further research was needed.In adition, we also developed our own breast cancer patients?database.Theexperiments also enriched our experiences for further research.Under the help ofthe brotherhood sections, we successfully finshed our exploration in the unknownfield. We especially thank Dr. zur Hausen for his technical assistance.

Source: http://www.res-medical.com/oncology/55708

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