মঙ্গলবার, ১৬ জুলাই, ২০১৩

16 Year Old Chicago Boy Killed After Refusing To Join Gang | The ...


I haven?t heard anything from Hollywood celebrities, football players, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, or President Obama about Darryl Green, a 16 year old Chicago boy. Green was found dead last week, and an autopsy found he died of a gunshot wound. His family said he was killed after he refused to join a gang. Why is nobody demanding justice for Darryl Green?

On Thursday, July 11, police discovered the rotting body of 17-year-old Darryl Green, a black child from the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago. Green?s body was found behind a boarded-up house in the 6500-block of South Damen, face down on basement stairs. The body was so badly decomposed that originally, local news reports suggested that he had died of blunt force trauma. On Friday, an autopsy showed he had been shot to death. Relatives reported that Green had refused to join a gang at school.

Of course, outside of local media in Chicago there has been little coverage of Green?s death. We also don?t hear much about the crime rate in Chicago, a city with strict gun control laws. It?s been an especially violent month.

Green?s murder took place in what has been an especially violent month in Chicago, which in recent years has seen an explosions in killings and gun crime. At least?74 people were shot on the Fourth of July weekend?alone, with 12 of those dying from their injuries.

Why are there so few people protesting the death of this young man?

H/T iOwnTheWorld

Update: Well, CBS News might have missed the murder of the young Darryl Green, but Scott Pelley did ask Chicago Mayor (and former Chief of Staff for Obama) Rahm Emanuel why the murder rate is so high in his city, which is also President Obama?s home town. IBD recounts the conversation:

People are dying fast and furiously in Chicago, so much so that it caught the CBS eye and prompted ?Evening News? anchor Scott Pelley to sit down Monday night with Rahm Emanuel, President Obama?s former chief of staff and mayor of this monument to progressive decay, and ask a very pertinent question.

?I got a letter from a viewer the other day who asked us why we were spending so much time at ?The Evening News? covering Afghanistan when more people were dying in Chicago,? Pelley said. ?Why is the murder rate up 30%??

Pelley put the number of murders in Chicago at 275 so far this year. On Monday alone, nine young people were shot in suspected gang-related violence, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

Emanuel responded that crimes such as burglary, armed robbery and theft are down 10%. This is true, but it?s small comfort to the parents of Heaven Sutton, 7, who was killed as she tried to dodge bullets fired from the guns of gangbangers. She was selling snow cones at the time.

Read the whole thing. Liberals and their policies created these urban hell holes, then they went and politicized the Trayvon Martin case to stir up racial tension and gin up hatred. What for, so they can turn the whole country into a place like Chicago?

Source: http://lonelyconservative.com/2013/07/16-year-old-chicago-boy-killed-after-refusing-to-join-gang/

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