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Bored again: Does the iPhone lull have you checking out other phones?

With no iPhone refresh expected before the fall, do the dog days of summer have some checking out rival smartphones?

It's easy to succumb to envy in the mobile world. The iPhone 5 is currently the oldest flagship smartphone on the market. Meanwhile Android OEM's such as Samsung, Sony, LG, HTC, and Motorola seem to be releasing new phones every week. Nokia is dropping new Windows Phones fairly regularly, and even BlackBerry has put out three new phones in the last six months. Against all that, it's easy to see why gadget geeks with big phone love could be eyeing - or even trying - alternate phones while they wait. Given some thought the iPhone 5 was boring at launch, is it possible even iPhone owners are bored now?

I feel like I'm growing more and more bored with my iPhone. But my brief affairs with android never turn out well. I always come back. I've had the iPhones 4-5 with android in between. Anyone feeling the same?
Shanicenicolle, iMore forums member

The phone market is increasingly competitive and phones are even picking up elements of fashion. For those who can afford multiple phones, or people in the industry who's jobs require they own and use all the major platforms, it can certainly be nice to be able to change phones and experiences like you do clothes. Sort of like having multiple sets of jewelry, or multiple cars to drive, or hair colors to try, or anything that shakes things up.

I am finding myself bored right now and have jumped ship a few times only to come back very quickly. I again am contemplating test driving the HTC One once it arrives on Verizon. With Sense 5 covering Android it appears to make Android clean and simple but still allow for options if you so desire. If I do, I know I will likely come back, but it's nice to just scratch the itch every now and then.
bgl321, iMore forums member

Looking elsewhere isn't a bad thing. Apple would rather you didn't, of course, but for many it becomes an eye-opening experience. Working for Mobile Nations, I use all the major platforms on a daily basis, and while each one has its own advantages, each one also has its own drawbacks. There are times Android feels liberating to me, others when it frustrates me to tears.

I have the same problem. I'm bored. But I went and got the s4 and came running back to iPhone after two days. I just had too many issues with it overheating. Everything on my sd card got deleted and the camera quality wasn't as good as the iPhone 5 so I was missing that. iphonelvr, iMore forums member

For some, jailbreak seems like a happy middle-ground. There's no additional hardware expense involved, but it opens up new functionality and opportunities for customization, beyond what stock iOS allows. It does

Nope I love my iPhone and I'm mad but glad with myself that I left for a brief stint with Android cause I now truly appreciate the stability, ecosystem and just down right usability of iOS
- swarlos, iMore forums member

Ecosystem is a fine point worth making also, and something we touched upon in our recent Talk Mobile discussions. iOS and the iPhone has the exclusive benefits of Apple's vast media ecosystem. Whatever the song or album, the movie, the book, there's a pretty damn good shout that iTunes will stock it. It's the same story for apps, with an impressive and huge array of apps and games available. Looking through the Windows Phone Store and BlackBerry World in-particular, there are still some glaring gaps that need to be filled.

Nope. Not the least bit bored. I love my iPhone, and all my iOS devices, more than ever. I especially can't wait for iOS 7. It's going to make everything else look worse than it already does.
- jclisenby, iMore forums ambassador

Then, at the other end of the scale, excitement shouldn't be higher than it is right now. OK, we're still in a bit of a hardware drought, but Apple has recently unveiled the biggest new version of iOS since the iPhone first launched. Beyond a complete visual redesign, iOS 7 packs a ton of features both user-facing and under the hood that are set to transform the iOS experience all over again. Those who have tried it ? rightly or wrongly ? are excited, as are the folks who haven't. It's like we're waiting to get a brand new phone, without having to buy one. I know I'm excited, as are a whole lot of other folks in the community.

The bottom line is that no-one, not even Apple, can stop you personally getting bored by a device. It's not always a bad thing because the grass isn't always greener, and sometimes it takes trying something new to make you realize that. But, at the same time we're in the midst of exciting times for iOS. When iOS 7 hits sometime in the fall it will reinvigorate the platform and hopefully excite those who may be finding themselves hit by the boredom fairies.

There's a great discussion brewing in the iMore forums on this very topic, so be sure to jump on over there and have your say!


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/FnZOrKjCTN0/story01.htm

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Government braces for coming changes to NSA powers

With a chart listing thwarted acts of terrorism, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., left, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., right, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, question top Obama administration officials on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, July 31, 2013, about the National Security Agency's (NSA) surveillance programs for the first time since the House narrowly rejected a proposal last week to effectively shut down the NSA's secret collection of hundreds of millions of Americans' phone records. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

With a chart listing thwarted acts of terrorism, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., left, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., right, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, question top Obama administration officials on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, July 31, 2013, about the National Security Agency's (NSA) surveillance programs for the first time since the House narrowly rejected a proposal last week to effectively shut down the NSA's secret collection of hundreds of millions of Americans' phone records. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

With a chart listing thwarted acts of terrorism, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., left, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., right, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, question top Obama administration officials on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, July 31, 2013, about the National Security Agency's (NSA) surveillance programs for the first time since the House narrowly rejected a proposal last week to effectively shut down the NSA's secret collection of hundreds of millions of Americans' phone records. At the witness table, below, are, from left, National Security Agency Deputy Director John C. Inglis, and Deputy Attorney General James Cole, right. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

In this frame grab taken from Rossiya 24 channel, Lon Snowden, the father of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden speaks during an interview to the state-owned Rossiya 24 channel in Washington, DC late Tuesday, July 30, 2013. He said on Russian television that he is grateful to the Kremlin for protecting his son. Speaking to the state-owned Rossiya 24 channel in footage broadcast Wednesday, Lon Snowden of Allentown, Pennsylvania, thanked President Vladimir Putin and his government for the "courage" they have shown in keeping his son safe. (AP Photo/Rossiya 24 via APTN) TV OUT

(AP) ? President Barack Obama's national security team argued Wednesday to keep its sweeping domestic surveillance powers intact, even as it acknowledged some limitations appear inevitable.

Facing unexpectedly harsh opposition from both parties over a once-secret program that sweeps up the phone records of every American, the Obama administration said it wanted to work with lawmakers who seemed intent on putting limits on that authority.

"We are open to re-evaluating this program in ways that can perhaps provide greater confidence and public trust that this is in fact a program that achieves both privacy protections and national security," Robert Litt, counsel to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, told skeptical members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The hearing came one week after a surprisingly close vote in the House that would have killed the phone surveillance program. It barely survived, but lawmakers promised that change was coming.

This newest privacy-vs.- security debate was touched off when former government contract systems analyst Edward Snowden leaked classified documents exposing National Security Agency programs that store years of phone records on every American. That revelation prompted the most significant reconsideration yet of the vast surveillance powers Congress granted the president after 9/11.

The administration intended to keep the telephone program a secret forever and, for more than a decade, few in Congress showed any interest in reining in the surveillance. Snowden's leaks abruptly changed the calculus on Capitol Hill.

"We have a lot of good information out there that helps the American public understand these programs, but it all came out late," Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., said in a rebuke of government secrecy. "It all came out in response to a leaker. There was no organized plan for how we rationally declassify this so that the American people can participate in the debate."

The telephone program is authorized under a provision of the USA Patriot Act, which Congress hurriedly passed after 9/11.

The Obama administration says phone records are the only records being collecting in bulk under that law, but it has left open the ability to create similar databases of people's credit card transactions, hotel records and Internet searches.

Several Democrats promised bills that would provide tighter controls or more transparency. Proposals include eliminating the FBI's ability to seize data without a court order, changing the way judges are appointed to the surveillance court, and appointing an attorney to argue against the government in secret proceedings before that court. Another would force the government to reveal how many Americans have had their information swept up in surveillance.

On Wednesday, the national security establishment sought to reassure Congress that its surveillance powers were rigorously monitored and narrowly crafted while simultaneously leaving open the possibility of some new limitations.

To that end, the administration declassified documents about the telephone program. But the documents revealed no legal analysis that underpinned the widespread surveillance. And the redacted documents show only in broad strokes how NSA officials use the data.

For the first time, however, the government acknowledged publicly that using what it calls "hop analysis," it can analyze the phone calls of millions of Americans in the hunt for just one suspected terrorist. That's because NSA analysts can look at not just a suspect's phone records, but also the records of everyone he calls, everyone who calls those people and everyone who calls those people.

If the average person calls 40 unique people, three-hop analysis could allow the government to mine the records of 2.5 million Americans when investigating one suspected terrorist. The Obama administration has

"What's being described as a very narrow program is really a very broad program," said Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate.

John Inglis, the NSA's deputy director, conceded the point but said, in practice, such broad analysis was rare.

"We have to compare the theory to the practice," he said.

Last week's House vote of 217-205 defeating an attempt to dismantle the program was significant not only because of the narrowness of the victory for the Obama administration, but also because it created unusual political coalitions. Libertarian-leaning conservatives and liberal Democrats pressed for change against the Republican establishment and Congress' pro-security wing.

Backing the NSA program were 134 Republicans and 83 Democrats, including House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, who typically does not vote, and Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi. Rejecting the administration's last-minute pleas to spare the surveillance operation were 94 Republicans and 111 Democrats.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2013-07-31-US-NSA-Surveillance/id-d5cfa7b2cdca4e8b9e6b394d94d355a8

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Google debuts new Zagat app for Android and iOS, redesigned website

Google debuts new Zagat app for Android and iOS, redesigned website

Sure, Mountain View slowly infused Maps with Zagat content after acquiring the brand, but now it's revamped the outfit's mobile apps on Android and iOS, along with its website, to boot. As you'd expect, users can wield the apps and website to find venues with searches and map-based browsing, and catch up on news and videos from the service's editors. In this fresh incarnation, Google's lifted a registration requirement that was previously necessary to peruse reviews online. Schmidt and Co.'s redesigned experience only covers restaurants and nightlife in nine cities, but will include hotels, shopping and other points of interest in a total of 50 US cities over the coming months. In the meantime, Zagat promises its existing ratings and reviews for spots in those markets will soon be available on the web. Hit the bordering source links below to grab the reimagined applications.

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/07/29/zagat-website-app-redesign/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

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AMERICAN OIL 'THREAT' Saudi Investor Warns of US Energy Boom Effects

America?s energy boom is putting a scare into Saudi Arabia.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal warned in a letter to Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi and others that the U.S. boom of shale oil and gas will reduce its thirst for Saudi crude oil.

?With all due respect to your Highness? viewpoint about shale gas and that it poses no danger on Saudi economy at ?the present time,?? read a translation of the letter, dated May 13 but only recently tweeted on a Twitter page previously used by Alwaleed. ?I was hoping that your Highness would also shed light and focus on the danger of this matter in the ?not-so-distant future,? especially that America and some Asian countries made big discoveries in shale gas extraction which will affect the oil industry around the world in general and Saudi Arabia in particular??

The prince, who is worth an estimated $20 billion and founded Kingdom Holding, warned that the nation's near total reliance on oil revenues could leave it vulnerable when demand drops due to other nations' domestic production.

"Our country is facing a threat with the continuation of its near-complete reliance on oil, especially as 92 percent of the budget for this year depends on oil," wrote Alwaleed, who owns seven percent of the voting shares in News Corp, the former parent company of Fox News. "It is necessary to diversify sources of revenue, establish a clear vision for that and start implementing it immediately."

News of the letter comes after a newly published report from OPEC which showed that the group's export revenue hit a record high of $1.26 trillion in 2012. Forecasts have questioned whether that earning level can be sustained amid competition from fracking in countries that import OPEC oil and gas.

?The Saudis have a huge competitive advantage, in that the cost for them to produce oil is very low, just a few dollars per barrel. So, Saudi Arabia is not going to find itself unable to sell its crude oil,? Jonathan Lesser, an economist who specializes in the energy industry, told FoxNews.com. ?What it is likely to find is that its ability to control prices on the world oil market will decrease over time; slowly, but decrease nevertheless.?

Saudi Arabia is the world?s largest exporter of crude but is now extracting less than capacity because consumers are importing less. Al-Naimi has played down the significance of shale oil production despite other OPEC member nations saying they have seen a sharp drop.

Oil revenue in Algeria fell by 6 percent last year, and in Iran, where exports have been curtailed by western sanctions, exports fell 8 percent.

Data from OPEC suggests other member nations could feel the sting of revenue loss as demand for crude will fall to about 30 million barrels a day in 2014. The average price has already dropped by 4 percent this year.

Production of oil in the U.S. has grown to record highs in 2012 and is expected to continue to rise. Daily crude production averaged 6.4 million barrels per day, a 15-year high. Stateside production is catching up to import needs, as 7.5 million barrels are being made while the U.S. produces 10.6 million barrels a day.

Lesser said Alwaleed is wise to recognize that the market dynamics are changing.

?A more basic concern is that any economy that relies heavily on a single commodity ? be it oil in Saudi Arabia or copper in Chile ? faces greater potential disruption when the market fundamentals for that commodity change,? Lesser said.??So, the Prince is correct, especially when he notes that Saudi Arabia needs to diversify its economy.?



Source: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/07/30/saudi-prince-worried-that-us-shale-boom-could-cripple-opec-economy/

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Report: Bus on Bieber tour in border pot bust

(AP) ? U.S. border agents found marijuana on a bus with singer Justin Bieber's tour as it crossed into Detroit from Windsor, Canada.

The Detroit Free Press reports (http://on.freep.com/18O0eS3) that U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman Ken Hammond confirms that the bus was stopped Sunday as it attempted to enter the U.S. on the Ambassador Bridge.

The singer was not on the bus at the time and performed later that night at Joe Louis Arena.

Hammond says a police dog indicated the presence of drugs on the bus and that drug paraphernalia and a small amount of marijuana were found. He says the bus driver was cited and that the bus and its passengers were allowed to go.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/4e67281c3f754d0696fbfdee0f3f1469/Article_2013-07-29-Bieber%20Tour%20Bus%20Bust/id-81f31095aa534eab88477ff8a13e02d5

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IRL: TYLT's Energi charging backpack and the Logitech FabricSkin Keyboard Folio

Welcome to IRL, an ongoing feature where we talk about the gadgets, apps and toys we're using in real life and take a second look at products that already got the formal review treatment.

IRL: TYLT's Energi charging backpack and the Logitech FabricSkin Keyboard Folio

This week, Darren Murph, the man of many bags, is at it once again, trying out a charging backpack we got to handle for just a few minutes back at CES. In addition, we'll give you a peek at Logitech's suspiciously Surface-like FabricSkin keyboard case. Find it all after the break.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/07/29/irl-tylt-energi-charging-backpack-logitech-fabricskin/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

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Where To Eat Chinese In Islamabad

Originally published on Sun July 28, 2013 11:31 am

Cities sitting nervously on the edge of wars have a tendency to change very quickly. Take Pakistan's capital, for example. But some things never change, like an unexpectedly delicious Chinese restaurant.

Source: http://keranews.org/post/where-eat-chinese-islamabad

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7 dead in Florida shooting rampage

HIALEAH, FL - A man living with his mother in a South Florida apartment complex set their unit on fire and went on a shooting rampage throughout the building, killing six people before being shot to death by police. As the eight-hour standoff unfolded, horrified residents hunkered down in their homes, at times so close to the action they could feel the gunfire or hear negotiations between the gunman and police, authorities and witnesses said Saturday.

In the final hours, Pedro Vargas, 42, held two people hostage at gunpoint for up to three hours in their apartment until a SWAT team entered and killed him, police said. The hostages were not hurt.

"The crime scene is the whole building," said Lt. Carl Zogby, a spokesman with the Hialeah Police Department.

Police were called to the aging, five-story apartment building in Hialeah, a working class suburb a few miles northwest of downtown Miami, on Friday at 6:30 p.m. The first calls reported a fire, but when firefighters arrived, they heard shots and immediately notified police, Zogby said.

Vargas, who has no known criminal record, set a combustible liquid on fire in his fourth-floor apartment. Building manager Italo Pisciotti, 79, and his wife, Camira Pisciotti, 69, saw smoke and ran to the unit, Zogby said. When they arrived, Vargas opened the door and fired, killing both.

Detectives were investigating whether Vargas had any ongoing disputes with the building manager, as some residents believed. His mother was not home at the time.

After gunning down the building managers, Vargas went back into his burning apartment and fired 10 to 20 shots from a 9mm pistol into the street. One of the bullets struck 33-year-old Carlos Javier Gavilanes, who was parking his car after returning home from work. Zogby said his body was found next to his vehicle.

The gunman then kicked his way into a third-floor apartment, where he shot to death Patricio Simono, 54; his wife Merly Niebles, 51; and their 17-year-old daughter. Family members said Simono worked at a car wash and Niebles cleaned hotel rooms. Their daughter wanted to be a nurse.

All six people were killed in a short time span, Zogby said, and it's possible they were all dead by the time police arrived.

Officers and Vargas then engaged in an hours-long shootout and chase, with police following the gunman from one floor to the next.

"He kept running from us as he fired at us and we fired at him," Zogby said.

Several hours into the ordeal, Vargas forced his way into a fifth-story unit and held two people captive. Sgt. Eddie Rodriguez said negotiators and a SWAT team tried talking with him from the other side of the door.

Miriam Valdes, 70, was in a friend's apartment two doors down. She said she heard officers trying to convince Vargas to surrender.

"Pedro let these people out," Valdes said officers told him. "We're going to help you."

She said the gunman first asked for his girlfriend and then his mother but refused to cooperate.

Rodriguez said the talks eventually "just fell apart." Officers stormed the building, fatally shooting the gunman in an exchange of gunfire. Zogby said Vargas still had several rounds of ammunition when he was killed.

"He was ready to fight," Zogby said.

The hostages, identified as Zoeb and Sarrida Nek, were shaken up but not hurt, he said.

Police and neighbors described Vargas as a quiet man who had only recently moved into the building.

Tenants painted a mixed portrait of the gunman.

"He was a good son," said Ester Lazcano, who lived on the same floor as Vargas and his mother. "He'd take her in the morning to run errands" and to doctor appointments.

Lazcano said she was in the shower when she heard the first shots, then there were at least a dozen more. "I felt the shots," she said.

Valdes said Vargas was also known as a difficult person who sometimes got into fights and yelled at his mother.

"He was a very abusive person," she said. "He didn't have any friends there."

Zogby called Vargas' background "unremarkable." Police had not responded to any prior calls at his home.

"Nobody seems to know why he acted the way he acted," Zogby said.

As police investigated the crime scene, relatives of the victims began arriving to pick up their loved ones' belongings. Residents came out of their complex and spoke among each other as the sky turned dark and threatened to rain. Some had large swaths of water in their apartment from the firefighters who responded to extinguish the blaze.

Vargas' apartment door and the ceiling outside it were charred.

Agustin Hernandez, Merly Niebles' brother-in-law, loaded several old pictures and other items from his relative's apartment in a grocery cart and into his car. One showed his teenage niece smiling in a red graduation gown. Another pictured his sister-in-law posing in a white dress and pearls.

A binder also from the apartment had pop artist Justin Beiber's name on the spine, presumably belonging to the teenage girl, who family members identified as Priscilla Perez.


Chavarri, director of the American Christian School, said the Perez was about to enter her senior year.

"She was a lovely girl," Chavarri said through tears. "She was always happy and helping her classmates."

In Hialeah -- a suburb of about 230,000 residents, about three-quarters of whom are Cuban or Cuban-American -- the block around the apartment building was closed off with crime scene tape. At about midday, officers removed a body from the building and carried it away in a van.

Detectives, meanwhile, tried to piece together every shot and every minute of what had happened.

"It could have been a much, much more dangerous situation," Zogby said.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/national/gunman-kills-6-in-florida-apartment-shooting-rampage-police-kill-gunman

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    Baylor's Brittney Griner gestures as she answers a question during a news conference for a regional semifinal in the women's NCAA college basketball tournament in Oklahoma City, Saturday, March 30, 2013. Baylor is scheduled to play Louisville Sunday. (Sue Ogrocki / AP)

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    Washington Nationals catcher Wilson Ramos loses the ball as New York Yankees' Eduardo Nunez slides safely into home with home plate umpire Adam Hamari looking on at right during the fourth inning of an exhibition baseball game at Nationals Park Friday, March 29, 2013, in Washington. (Alex Brandon / AP)

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    A young fan with his face painted with the colors of Chile's national flag gestures before the start of a 2014 World Cup qualifying soccer match against Uruguay in Santiago, Chile, Tuesday, March 26, 2013. (Victor R. Caivano / AP)

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    Serena Williams reacts after winning a point against Dominika Cibulkova, of Slovakia, during the Sony Open tennis tournament, Monday, March 25, 2013, in Key Biscayne, Fla. Williams won 2-6, 6-4, 6-2. (Lynne Sladky / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Austria's Wolfgang Loitzl soars through the air during his competition jump of the third stage of the four hills ski jumping tournament during foggy weather in Innsbruck, Austria, Friday, Jan. 4, 2013. (Matthias Schrader, AP)

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    Sweden's skip Margaretha Sigfridsson shouts during her gold medal game against Scotland at the 2013 world women's curling championship in Riga, Latvia, Sunday, March 24, 2013. (Roman Koksarov / AP)

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    Philadelphia Phillies center fielder Ben Revere makes a diving catch of Will Middlebrooks's seventh-inning fly ball in a spring training baseball game against the Boston Red Sox in Clearwater, Fla., Sunday, March 24, 2013. (Kathy Willens / AP)

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    North Carolina coach Roy Williams cheers on his team during the second half of a second-round game against Villanova in the NCAA college basketball tournament Friday, March 22, 2013, in Kansas City, Mo. (Charlie Riedel / AP)

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    North Carolina's Dexter Strickland (1) and Reggie Bullock (35) stretch before practice for a second-round game of the NCAA college basketball tournament, Thursday, March 21, 2013, in Kansas City, Mo. North Carolina is scheduled to play Villanova Friday. (Charlie Riedel / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Michigan State guard Denzel Valentine (45) grabs a rebound over Valparaiso guard Matt Kenney (23) in the first half of a second-round game of the NCAA college basketball tournament in Auburn Hills, Mich., Thursday March 21, 2013. (Paul Sancya / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Miami Marlins' Placido Polanco, left, scores on a double by Giancarlo Stanton as Washington Nationals catcher Kurt Suzuki, right, cannot hold on to the ball during the sixth inning of an exhibition spring training baseball game Wednesday, March 20, 2013, in Jupiter, Fla. The Nationals won 7-5. (Jeff Roberson / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Lotus driver Kimi Raikkonen, left, of Finland, Ferrari's Fernando Alonso, center, of Spain and Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel of Germany celebrate on the podium after the Australian Formula One Grand Prix at Albert Park in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, March 17, 2013. Raikonen won the race with Alonso second and Vettel third. (Andrew Brownbill / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Florida guard Mike Rosario (3) reacts after being fouled by Alabama during the second half of an NCAA college basketball game in the semifinals of the Southeastern Conference tournament, Saturday, March 16, 2013, in Nashville, Tenn. (John Bazemore / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    In this photo taken with a fisheye lens, Boston Bruins' Nathan Horton, left, celebrates a goal by Andrew Ference against Washington Capitals goalie Michal Neuvirth (30) during the second period of an NHL hockey game in Boston, Saturday, March 16, 2013. The Bruins won 4-1. (Winslow Townson / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Utah's Jason Washburn celebrates after blocking a shot by California in overtime during a Pac-12 men's tournament NCAA college basketball game, Thursday, March 14, 2013, in Las Vegas. Utah won 79-69. (Julie Jacobson / AP)

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    San Diego Padres shortstop Tyler Stubblefield misses a ground ball hit by Kansas City Royals' Orlando Calixte for a double in the ninth inning in an exhibition spring training baseball game Friday, March 15, 2013, in Surprise, Ariz. (Gregory Bull / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Miami's Kenny Kadji (35) tries to go over Illinois' D.J. Richardson for a shot during the first half of a third-round game of the NCAA college basketball tournament Sunday, March 24, 2013, in Austin, Texas. (David J. Phillip / AP)

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    Nathalie Pechalat and Fabian Bourzat, of France, perform during a practice session for the World Figure Skating Championships, Tuesday, March 12, 2013, in London, Ontario. (Darron Cummings / AP)

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    Alexa Scimeca and Chris Knierim, of the United States, react as they watch their scores during the pairs free program at the World Figure Skating Championships Friday, March 15, 2013, in London, Ontario. (Darron Cummings / AP)

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    St. Louis Cardinals' J.R. Towles (46) reacts after fouling a ball off his foot as New York Yankees catcher Chris Stewart watches in the third inning of a spring training baseball game in Tampa, Fla., Monday, March 11, 2013. (Kathy Willens / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Auburn forward Cabriana Capers (35) crashes into the scorer's table after saving the ball from going out of bounds during the second half of their NCAA college basketball game against LSU in the Southeastern Conference tournament, Thursday, March 7, 2013, in Duluth, Ga. LSU won 65-62. (John Bazemore / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Chicago Bulls' Joakim Noah (13) drives to the basket as San Antonio Spurs' Tim Duncan, right, defends during the first half of an NBA basketball game on Wednesday, March 6, 2013, in San Antonio. (Eric Gay / AP)

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    Athletes start the New Zealand Ironman on March 2, 2013 in Taupo, New Zealand. (Phil Walter / Getty Images)

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    David Villa of FC Barcelona duels for a high ball with Fabio Coentrao and Pepe (R) of Real Madrid CF during the La Liga match between Real Madrid CF and FC Barcelona at Bernabeu on March 2, 2013 in Madrid, Spain. (David Ramos / Getty Images)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant, right, is smacked on the head by Atlanta Hawks forward Josh Smith as he puts up a shot during the first half of their NBA basketball game, Sunday, March 3, 2013, in Los Angeles. (Mark J. Terrill / AP)

  • Best 2013 Sports Photos

    Jason Porplyzia of the Crows attempts to take a mark on the shoulders of Corey Enright of the Cats during the round two AFL NAB Cup match between the Geelong Cats and the Adelaide Crows at Simonds Stadium on March 2, 2013 in Geelong, Australia. (Scott Barbour / Getty Images)

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    Columbus Blue Jackets' Nick Foligno, right, fights with Chicago Blackhawks' Sheldon Brookbank during the first period of an NHL hockey game in Chicago, Friday, March 1, 2013. (Nam Y. Huh / AP)

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    To launch the release of Nitro Circus 3D : The Movie, available on DVD 25th March, Team Nitro Circus sets a Guinness World Record at 02 Arena on February 28, 2013 in London, England. (Clive Rose / Getty Images)

  • Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/28/pee-wee-football-hit-tackle-video_n_3667235.html?utm_hp_ref=sports

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    My Favorite Kirby by Kent Kirby [website | twitter]

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    Source: thefrogman.me --- Saturday, July 27, 2013
    My Favorite Kirby by Kent Kirby [ website | Twitter ] ...

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    Facebook to make capital investments worth $1.6 billion in 2013

    New York: Social networking giant Facebook, whose user base is expanding primarily on the back of rising penetration in emerging markets like India and Brazil, will make capital investments worth $1.6 billion this year.

    In the first half of this year, the California-based firm incurred a capital expenditure of $595 million on setting up data centres and storage infrastructure, among others.

    Besides, Facebook shelled out $221 million on acquisitions and other assets such as patents.

    "We anticipate making capital expenditures in 2013 of approximately USD 1.6 billion," Facebook said in a filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

    Industry watchers feel that the company will be looking to capitalise on its user numbers and its mobile advertising base.

    Bolstered by rising number of users in high growth markets like India and Brazil, Facebook raked in 61 per cent $1.60 billion -- of its total revenues from advertising in the second quarter of this year.

    Internet major Google, which is also competing with Facebook, generated 92 per cent of its revenues from its advertisers in the six months ended June 30.

    Facebook's investment plans for increasing infrastructure would get a boost as it posted strong second quarter results helped by a surge in userbase and rising mobile ad revenue, which now represents 41 per cent of its total revenue from advertising, they added.

    Facebook posted a net income of $333 million for the April-June quarter against a loss of USD 157 million in year-ago period. Its revenue totalled $1.81 billion in the second quarter, an increase of 53 per cent, compared with $1.18 billion in the second quarter of 2012.

    "Cash used in investing activities during the first six months of 2013 primarily resulted from $595 million for capital expenditures related to the purchase of servers, networking equipment, storage infrastructure and the construction of data centres," Facebook said

    It also spent $221 million on acquisitions of businesses and other assets like patents, according to the filing.

    On the back of surging user base in the emerging markets of India and Brazil, the social networking giant saw its monthly active users jump 21 per cent to 1.15 billion at the end of June 2013.

    "Users in India and Brazil represented key sources of growth in the second quarter of 2013 relative to the prior year," Facebook has said.

    The firm's global daily active users (DAUs) rose by 27 per cent to 699 million on average during June 2013 from 552 million during June 2012, again helped by growth in India, Brazil and other markets

    Source: http://ndtv.com.feedsportal.com/c/33805/f/606686/s/2f3fc1c8/sc/15/l/0Lprofit0Bndtv0N0Cnews0Ccorporates0Carticle0Efacebook0Eto0Emake0Ecapital0Einvestments0Eworth0E10E60Ebillion0Ein0E20A130E3250A19/story01.htm

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    Pakistan troops fire at Indian post along Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir

    Poonch:?Pakistani troops violated ceasefire by firing towards the Indian Army posts in Poonch sector near the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir today.

    "Pakistani troops have targeted Indian posts by firing rocket projectile grenades (RPGs) and heavy machine guns along LoC in Doda Battalion forward area in Poonch district since 0730 hours today," a senior Army officer said.

    Indian border troops retaliated effectively, resulting in heavy exchanges which were on for five hours, the officer said.

    There was no loss of life or injury to anyone in the firing, he said.

    Top army officials are monitoring the situation in wake of the heavy firing along the border line and troops have been asked in other forward areas to intensify round the clock vigilance.

    This is fifth ceasefire violation in July this year.

    Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/NdtvNews-TopStories/~3/MFjKHWGt_QQ/story01.htm

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    শনিবার, ২৭ জুলাই, ২০১৩

    Soriano acquired by Yankees from Cubs

    NEW YORK (AP) ? The New York Yankees have acquired Alfonso Soriano in a trade with the Chicago Cubs on Friday, returning the seven-time All-Star to the team where he began his career.

    The Cubs received minor league right-hander Corey Black and gave cash to New York.

    Soriano was listed in the Yankees' lineup that was posted in the clubhouse two hours ahead of Friday night's game against Tampa Bay ? before the trade was announced on the team's website.

    Soriano is batting cleanup and playing left field.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/soriano-acquired-yankees-cubs-203952325.html

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    Ayr head coach Kenny Murray joins Glasgow Warriors

    GLASGOW Warriors have added Ayr head coach Kenny Murray to their coaching team. Murray, a Glasgow native who led the RBS Premiership side to a league and cup double last season, will join the Scotstoun outfit next month.

    In the new full-time role, he will work alongside existing coaches Shade Munro and Matt Taylor and support head coach Gregor Townsend.

    Murray celebrated leading Ayr to their first Premiership title in his first year in charge in 2009 and the Millbrae side went on to win the RBS Cup three times under his guidance.

    Murray said: ?I am absolutely delighted to be appointed as a new assistant coach of Glasgow Warriors.

    ?This is a fantastic opportunity for me to develop my career and work alongside some very good coaches, who are already at the club.

    ?I have mixed emotions as I?ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at Ayr. Although I?m sad to be leaving I know they?re in good hands.

    ?It?s an exciting time to be joining the Warriors and I can?t wait to be involved in professional rugby and to start working with everyone at the club.?

    Townsend added: ?We?re delighted to bring Kenny on board.

    ?He is a hard working individual, who has brought success to Ayr over the last five years and we will now benefit from having him at Glasgow Warriors.

    ?Kenny was the ideal candidate for the role, which will provide us with valuable coaching support. He will help us build on what we achieved last season.?

    Murray has now been replaced as Ayr head coach by his former assistant Peter Laverie.

    Ayr RFC president Billy McHarg said: ?The club would like to offer its congratulations to Kenny on his appointment to Glasgow Warriors.

    ?I?m sure he will be a huge asset to the professional side and will become an important part of Gregor?s team.

    ?This is a positive a move for Scottish rugby, which further cements our already strong relationship with the Warriors.?

    Source: http://www.scotsman.com/ayr-head-coach-kenny-murray-joins-glasgow-warriors-1-3016833

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    শুক্রবার, ২৬ জুলাই, ২০১৩

    DisplayLink Graphics Adapter (02F3) USB Driver 5.6.31854.0 for XP/Vista/Windows 7

    The package provides the installation files for DisplayLink Display Adapter (02F3) USB Driver version 5.6.31854.0.

    In order to manually update your driver, follow the steps below (the next steps):

    1. Go to Device Manager (right click on My Computer, choose Manage and then find Device Manager in the left panel)
    2. Right click on the hardware device you wish to update and choose Update Driver Software
    3. Choose to select the location of the new driver manually and browse to the folder where you downloaded the driver

    It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

    Do not forget to check with our site as often as possible in order to stay updated on the latest drivers, software and games.

    Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed a wrong driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

    Source: http://drivers.softpedia.com/get/GRAPHICS-BOARD/DisplayLink/DisplayLink-Graphics-Adapter-02F3-USB-Driver-56318540-for-XP-Vista-Windows-7.shtml

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    Giant Mirror Lakes Invade Beijing To Reflect China's Water Crisis

    Giant Mirror Lakes Invade Beijing To Reflect China's Water Crisis

    At first glance, it looks like Beijing is being swallowed up by rising tides. But these aren't giant bottomless puddles?they're mirrors, installed throughout Beijing by the Chinese wing of advertising agency Grey Group. The point? To draw attention to the country's rapidly-disappearing lakes.



    Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/8T8-03fOczY/giant-mirror-lakes-invade-beijing-to-reflect-chinas-wa-909754610

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    Celgene raises full-year outlook on strong cancer drug sales

    (Reuters) - Biotechnology firm Celgene Corp raised its full-year earnings forecast for the second time in three months after it reported a quarterly profit above analysts' estimates, as its cancer drugs, Revlimid and Abraxane, continued to post strong sales growth.

    Celgene shares rose 4 percent to $142 in trading before the bell on Thursday.

    The company said it now expects 2013 adjusted earnings of $5.80 to $5.90 per share, up from its prior view of $5.55 to $5.65 per share.

    It expects sales of $6.2 billion, up from $6.0 billion forecast earlier.

    Second-quarter net income rose to $478.1 million, or $1.11 per share, from $367.4 million, or 82 cents per share, a year earlier.

    Excluding one-time items, Celgene earned $1.52 per share.

    Analysts on average expected a profit of $1.44 per share, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

    Total revenue rose 17 percent to $1.60 billion, narrowly beating analysts' estimate of $1.54 billion.

    Sales of the company's flagship blood cancer drug Revlimid, approved for use in multiple myeloma, mantle cell lymphoma and a blood disorder, rose 13 percent to $1.05 billion, driven by market share gains.

    Multiple myeloma is the second-most-commonly diagnosed blood cancer.

    Revlimid has been in the news after Celgene said last week that it would stop a late-stage trial of the drug due to a higher number of deaths in leukemia patients taking the drug compared with those on another treatment.

    Analysts, however, had said the trial closure would not affect their sales estimates for the drug that brought in sales of $3.8 billion in 2012.

    Sales of another big growth engine for Celgene, Abraxane, used to treat breast and lung cancer, rose 41 percent to $155 million, helped by its strong demand in the United States for use in lung cancer.

    Celgene's new multiple myeloma treatment, Pomalyst, sold $66 million in its first full quarter of sales. The drug was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in February and is expected to reach the billion-dollar sales mark by 2016.

    Shares of Summit, New Jersey-based Celgene closed at $135.99 on the Nasdaq on Wednesday.

    (Reporting by Esha Dey in Bangalore; Editing by Sreejiraj Eluvangal)

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/celgene-raises-full-outlook-strong-cancer-drug-sales-122723813.html

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    বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ জুলাই, ২০১৩

    U.S. intelligence officials warn Congress not to curb data collection

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. spy chiefs joined ranks on Wednesday against efforts in Congress to sharply curtail the National Security Agency's vast data collection program, warning that would endanger an essential intelligence tool.

    In an unusually public discourse on a secret spying program, James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, joined the White House and senior Republican lawmakers who oversee the intelligence agencies in cautioning against cutting funding for NSA's data collection.

    Clapper, in a statement, urged an "open and candid discussion" about foreign surveillance efforts and "careful consideration of the potential effect of limiting the intelligence community's capabilities" under the current law.

    Intelligence officials are worried about a proposed amendment to the defense appropriations bill in the House of Representatives which would end the NSA's broad authority to collect a vast number of communications records, including records on telephone calls.

    The House was expected to consider it on Wednesday.

    The measure proposed by Representative Justin Amash, a Tea Party-backed conservative Republican, is the first such move since former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked details of surveillance programs that collect and store huge volumes of electronic communications like phone call records and emails.

    Amash has expressed confidence the amendment will pass. Will Adams, a spokesman for the Michigan congressman, said, "We are optimistic that we will have the votes to get it across the finish line."

    Clapper's statement came amid a push against the proposal by the White House and other senior intelligence officials, including Army General Keith Alexander, the head of the NSA, who visited lawmakers on Capitol Hill on Tuesday to warn about the implications of the amendment.

    White House spokesman Jay Carney said in a statement late on Tuesday that Obama welcomed a debate on safeguarding privacy, but opposed Amash's amendment, saying it would "hastily dismantle one of our intelligence community's counterterrorism tools."

    Senior House Republicans, including Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers and Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon, circulated a letter to colleagues urging them to oppose the amendment.

    "While many members have legitimate questions about the NSA metadata program, including whether there are sufficient protections for Americans' civil liberties, eliminating this program altogether without careful deliberation would not reflect our duty ... to provide for the common defense," they said.

    (Reporting by David Alexander, Tabassum Zakaria and Patricia Zengerle; Editing by Vicki Allen)

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/u-intelligence-officials-warn-congress-not-curb-data-192830566.html

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    বুধবার, ২৪ জুলাই, ২০১৩

    Cowboys owner Jerry Jones: NFL to Los Angeles 'as close as it ever has been'

    AEG President Tim Leiweke (left) joins Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and other officials for a photo with a rendering of Farmers Field following a press conference outside the Los Angeles Convention Center Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012. (Andy Holzman/Staff Photographer)

    OXNARD - Without putting an exact timeline on when the NFL might return to Los Angeles, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said Saturday the reality of professional football returning to the City of Angels is as close as it's ever been.

    "I say that not just wishing," Jones said. "I say that technically because I am aware of some things that make sense."

    Jones would not elaborate, but seeing as he is one of the most influential owners in the NFL and his son sits on the league's stadium committee, his insight carries enormous weight.

    "There are some viable ways for a team, or teams, to be in Los Angeles," Jones said. "And we've got some very talented, very qualified people who want to be a

    Artist's rendering of proposed "Los Angeles Stadium." Developer Edward P. Roski, Jr., who is also part owner of the LA Kings and LA Lakers, announced from a balcony at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday April 17, 2008, that he has plans to build a state-of-the-art NFL stadium in the City of Industry. (Correspondent Mike Mullen)

    part of it that are not a part of the league right now. And we've obviously got people within the league that want this very much."

    Jones being one of them "" he was born in El Segundo and he still has family in the area.

    The Cowboys owner is in Oxnard overseeing his club's training camp, which kicks off Sunday. And having spent many a summer between Oxnard and Thousand Oaks - the longtime former training camp home of the Cowboys "" he is keenly interested in the NFL returning to the second-biggest television market in the country.

    And he dismisses any thought the NFL is simply using Los Angeles as leverage to motivate current NFL cities to build new stadiums for their teams.

    "I've never, ever been a part of any meeting or committee, ever, that didn't want "" and as quickly as we could "" a team in L.A." Jones said. "I've heard the same thing - that (L.A.) can be (used) as a threat (for) teams moving out here and what have you. But that's not right.

    "I can speak for everyone I've ever talked to, we always preferred to get a team here."

    Currently there are two stadium in projects in Los Angeles prepared to lure an existing team here "" Phil Anschutz's Famers Field project adjacent to Staples Center and Ed Roski's City of Industry proposal.

    Farmers Field, though, is seen as the preferred site within the NFL.

    Jones praised Farmers Field and disagrees with reports that his league might be souring on it.

    "I have no misgiving at all about it. It's an outstanding (project) with outstanding people involved in it," Jones said. "Philip Anschutz is an outstanding individual and would be an asset in any way to any group to (he's) involved with."

    With the league hesitant to expand, a current team would have to agree to move to Los Angeles.

    At this point, the St. Louis Rams, San Diego Chargers, Oakland Raiders and Jacksonville Jaguars are the most likely candidates.

    Source: http://www.whittierdailynews.com/ci_23700149/vincent-bonsignore-cowboys-owner-jerry-jones-nfl-los?source=rss_viewed

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    Military conducts training exercises in and around Chicago

    Tribune illustration

    Tribune illustration (Tribune illustration / July 23, 2013)

    5:25 p.m. CDT, July 23, 2013

    U.S. military personnel are conducting training exercises in and around Chicago through Thursday, including flying military helicopters in areas around downtown at night.

    City agencies are providing support for the ?routine military training exercises,? according to a release from the city?s Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

    Monday night, many Chicagoans wondered what military helicopters were doing downtown. They are part of the training exercises, a spokeswoman for the office said.

    Military personnel including soldiers from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment--who fly and support military helicopters and specialize in nighttime operations?are among those involved in the ?realistic urban training,? said a spokeswoman for the 160th, which is headquartered in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The exercises also include other units under the U.S. Special Operations Command, based at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla.

    The training is designed to prepare military personnel for overseas deployments, according to the Army and the OEMC.

    Although Chicagoans might see helicopters or other evidence of the exercises, ?The training sites have been carefully selected to minimize the impact on the daily routine of residents,? OEMC said in its release.

    chicagobreaking@tribune.com | Twitter: @ChicagoBreaking


    Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ChicagoBreakingNews/~3/cxjCVJHAmFs/story01.htm

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