শনিবার, ১৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Herman Cain's Secret Service Request Prompted by Journalist Skirmishes (The Atlantic Wire)

Herman Cain, who's security team manhandled?multiple reporters recently, became the first GOP candidate to receive Secret Service protection in this election cycle--and Cain's spokesman, J.D. Gordon said skirmishes with journalists prompted the decision,?The Washington Post?reported. "Cain spokesman J.D. Gordon said Thursday night that the campaign asked for the protection after The Washington Post posted an article online that morning?detailing a series of physical skirmishes involving journalists at Cain rallies."

Related: Introducing Herman Cain, the Lovable GOP Candidate

From The?Post's take, Gordon's remark could mean "we needed protection from aggressive journalists" or "we needed protection for journalists because they were getting trampled," which?Slate's David Weigel?notes and clears up. He asked Gordon: "Was the campaign concerned about injured journalists; was that why the request was made?" Gordon said,??"No. It wasn't the reason."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/gop/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/atlantic/20111118/pl_atlantic/hermancainrequestedsecretservicehelpprotecthimmedia45164

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