শুক্রবার, ৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Marketing in all the little Places | Nonprofit Marketing | Tiffany ...

Marketing is not a dirty word. It simply refers to the act of getting your message OUT there to the people. The people with the money. The people that can keep your doors open.

In the nonprofit sector, as in the business world, marketing is the key to your longterm success. It builds connections, trust and financial foundations.

When you are considering implementing marketing strategies, here are the top places you need to get involved:

1) Donor Campaigns
These are little more than sales pitches. Whether you are sending a letter or postcard, you have a short time to convince the reader this is the place he wants to invest his money.

2) Website
The digital place to establish your organization as the leading, preeminent or best.

3) Brochures
You may need one for your clients (listing your services) and your potential funders (listing whom and how you help.)

4) Ads
If finances permit, ads are the opportunity to share your message with the public.

5) Business Cards
Remember they are not just little bits of contact information? they spread your message. Everyone in your organization should share the same message with all who get their business card.

6) Fundraising Products
You can sell nearly anything to make some money ? but is the product you sell sharing your story? You could do cookbooks with recipes from those you serve, greeting cards designed by your clients, healthy snacks that promote your message. Whatever you sell, make sure it does double duty ? bringing you cash now and educating about your message ? for donations in the future.

7) Grant Applications
One of the more obscure places to market yourself, grant applications give you the perfect opportunity to outline your story. Unlike ads and brochures that have to stay short, you get paragraph after paragraph to impress your vision. Dozens will read your story. Use this opportunity to prove you are worth another look, a grant ? or even a private donation. (Don?t forget to leave all your contact information.)

Never leave behind a chance to share your passion. You are not just another nonprofit. You are THE nonprofit people should pay attention to ? make sure all your marketing pieces impress that.

Not sure how to use traditional marketing advice in your nonprofit. Sign up for the newsletter and get useful tips in your inbox tomorrow.

Source: http://tiffanysilverberg.com/2011/09/marketing-in-all-the-little-places-nonprofit-marketing/

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Consumer morale stagnates, home prices steady (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? Americans worried about their incomes as they struggled to find work in September, holding consumer confidence near 2-1/2 year lows and pointing to weak spending in the months ahead.

Other reports on Tuesday on regional manufacturing and services showed some improvement this month, and house prices stabilized in July, giving hope for slow growth to continue as long as Europe's debt crisis does not escalate.

But depressed sentiment is holding back recovery. The Conference Board's index of consumer attitudes was little changed at 45.4 this month from 45.2 in August, and below economists' expectations for a rise to 46.0.

"The message is stagnation," said Pierre Ellis, senior economist at Decision Economics in New York.

Ryan Wang, U.S. economist at HSBC, said stagnant consumer confidence "may lead to spending restraint by households in the remainder of this year."

"Poor labor market conditions are weighing heavily on sentiment," he said in a research note.

The steep stock market sell-off, political bickering in Washington over budget policy and a worsening debt crisis in Europe have eroded confidence, viewed as a key gauge of consumer health.

Hope that Europe would act to beef up a rescue fund lifted U.S. stocks on Tuesday and pushed government debt prices lower, while the dollar lost ground to the euro.

Increased economic uncertainty also hit confidence among small U.S. businesses. Vistage International said its confidence index, which surveys 1,700 chief executives, fell to a two-year low in the third quarter of 83.5 from a reading of 92.9 in the second quarter.

But there were glimmers of hope for the economy, with other data showing manufacturing activity in the central Atlantic region contracted at slower pace this month.

The Richmond Federal Reserve's manufacturing index improved to -6 from -10 in August. Separately, activity in the Texas services sector grew solidly this month. The Dallas Fed service sector revenues index rose to 14.1 from 3.2 in August.

There were also signs of stability in the housing market, with the S&P/Case Shiller composite index of single-family homes in 20 metropolitan areas unchanged in July on a seasonally adjusted basis.

Unadjusted prices in the 20 cities rose 0.9 percent.

"I don't think domestic economic fundamentals, objectively evaluated, are that ominous themselves to push us into another recession," said Anthony Karydakis, chief economist at Commerzbank in New York.

"The main risk is an exogenous event, like the one that is brewing in the background for sometime now with the euro zone debt crisis."

However, a recovery in the housing market remains a long way off as the sector struggles under the weight of an oversupply of unsold homes and households battle a 9.1 percent unemployment rate.

In a sign that people were struggling to find employment, the jobs-hard-to-get index in the Conference Board survey rose to 50.0, the highest level since May 1983, from 48.5 the previous month.

The labor market differential -- the percent reporting jobs plentiful less the percent reporting jobs hard-to-get widened out from -43.7 to -44.5 in September.

"It's a bad sign for September payrolls. It's consistent with what we saw in the trend in jobless claims, which have risen also in recent weeks," said Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan in New York.

The economy failed to add jobs in August for the first time in nearly a year. While September's nonfarm employment will be lifted by the return of 45,000 striking Verizon Communications workers, the underlying trend is expected to show weakness.

Despite the weakness, Walgreen Co, the largest U.S. drugstore chain, reported a healthy 6.5 percent rise in sales in its latest quarter. The number of people shopping at the drugstore chain rose and they spent more than earlier in the year.

(Additional reporting by Margaret Chadbourn; Editing by Andrea Ricci)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/economy/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110927/bs_nm/us_usa_economy

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Live and Adore your Lemon Detox | AntiArticles

The lemon detox diet plan is also referred to as the master cleanse diet. There are numerous diverse detox diets accessible now. Detox diets serve the purpose of flushing bad toxins out of one?s physique. It cleans the body out and gets rid of unwanted toxins, whilst supposedly increasing other bodily functions. Detox diets have turn into extremely common and you?ll find continually a growing number of options. The lemon detox is stated to be one of the very best options. Some believe it?s the very best detox diet that is offered.

You can find very good things about the lemon detox diet in comparison to other detox diets. The lemon detox is among the only detoxing diets which is natural and organic. Because it is natural it is believed to be healthier and much less likely to have negative side effects. The lemon detox is also said to be an easy detox diet to participate in. It is natural and straightforward to perform. Aside from the physical benefits, it is also less expensive. As a result, it is a lot more reasonably priced. Who does not want to be able to afford the alternative that has produced the very best and safest results? The lemon detox is inexpensive but not ineffective. It is one of the most well-known and productive detox diets.

There are lots of positive aspects to the lemon detox when comparing it to other detox diets. It serves plenty of exactly the same purposes but at a a lot more effective and affordable rate.

Like other detox diets, the lemon detox will cleanse the colon and properly as the liver as well as the kidney and it?ll help clean out the body all more than. It detoxifies and cleans the body and flushes out the negative toxins. It is a diet plus a healing remedy all in one.

The lemon detox diet plan is diverse from other diets inside the truth that if does not target a certain body technique as a lot of other detox cleansing diets do. It works all over on the entire body and can heal the physique in more approaches than one. Some detox cleansers target one or a couple of specific items, but the lemon detox targets every thing.

The lemon detox targets much more and it?s efficient. It really is also thought to be safer since it can be all natural and it?s less costly than many other options accessible on the market. It is inexpensive and successful and can change an individual?s life in methods that other cleansers can?t.

Learn more about Lemon Detox today! I highly recommend the http://detox.com/ website for more information on this topic.

Source: http://antiarticles.com/health-fitness/live-and-adore-your-lemon-detox

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EU official criticizes Israeli settlement plan (AP)

BRUSSELS ? The European Union's foreign policy chief said Tuesday that Israel's plan to build 1,100 new housing units in occupied east Jerusalem "should be reversed" since it undermines peace negotiations with the Palestinians.

Catherine Ashton told the EU parliament that she heard "with deep regret" that Israeli settlement plans were continuing and planned to take up the issue again with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when she next meets him.

"He should stop announcing them and, more importantly, stop building them," she told legislators in Strasbourg, France.

In an interview published Tuesday, Netanyahu ruled out any freeze in settlement construction, which could further raise tensions in the area following last week's Palestinian move to seek U.N. membership.

Ashton said the expansion of settlements "threatens the viability of an agreed two-state solution" proposed by the Quartet of Mideast mediators: the EU, the United States, Russia and the United Nations.

The Israeli government on Tuesday backed the construction of 1,100 new homes in occupied east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim as their future capital. The government said construction could begin after a mandatory 60-day period for public comment.

"This plan should be reversed," Ashton said.

Ashton said there was little hope any of the people moving into the proposed settlements would ever be able to live a full life there.

"It is wrong to get people to live in a place which, when you look at a negotiated settlement, they will probably have to move from. Actually, that doesn't make any sense to me," she told the legislators.

The Quartet is calling for negotiations to resume in a month and a peace deal by the end of 2012. Ashton said that any momentum would be immediately undermined by the east Jerusalem housing plan.

"We called for parties to refrain from provocative actions if negotiations are really going to resume and, more importantly, be effective," she said.

Such calls received international backing.

"This sends the wrong signal at this sensitive time," Richard Miron, spokesman for United Nations Special Coordinator Robert Sery, said in a statement.

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said the plan was going in the face of plans to negotiate.

"Provocative of Israel to announce new settlements in East Jerusalem now. Clearly contrary to Middle East Peace Quartet demand," he wrote in a Tweet message.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/mideast/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110927/ap_on_re_eu/eu_eu_israel

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বুধবার, ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Does A Personal Trainer Really Need A Fitness Business Advisor ...

Asking wh? a private trainer needs a Fitness Business Advisor ?? very similar t? asking wh? ?n individual wh? w?nt? t? g?t ?n form w?nt? a private trainer.

Th?t particular person h?? a basic ?d?? ?f wh?t h?? ?r h?r health targets ?r?. In addition th?? know th? basics ?f working out, ?r ?t th? l???t th?? suppose th?? d?. Th?? d? ?ll th? totally different workout routines th?? see different folks ?t th? fitness center doing, ?n order th?t th?? h??? t? b? doing one thing r?ght. And, despite th? fact th?t ?? seems l?k? plenty ?f work, th??'re starting t? see ??m? results fr?m th??r efforts. S? wh? w??ld th?? need a personal trainer?

Properly, ?? a private trainers, w? know th?t th? workout routines th?t m??t individuals d? ?t th? fitness heart ?r? usually performed w?th th? fallacious kind, wh??h ??n result ?n injury. W? ?l?? know th?t many people h??? a tendency t? m?k? ??? ?f a lot heavier weights th?n th?? ?h??ld b?????? th?t's wh?t th?? w?r? always taught. And w? additionally know th?t a person g?t far higher results th?n th?? ???r imagined b? performing th? fitting train program ?n th? r?ght means, ?nd normally n?t m??t work ?? arduous f?r th??? results. A personal coach's job ?? t? know h?w t? accomplish th? perfect ends ?n th? shortest amount ?f time. O?r job ?? t? take ??r clients' outcomes t? th? following level.

Nicely th? identical holds tr?? f?r wh? a personal trainer m??t work w?th a Health Enterprise Consultant. Once ??? b?g?n ???r health business ??? w?ll ?n ?ll probability d? wh?t ?ll ?f th? ?th?r personal trainers ?r? doing. Provide th? identical companies, cost th? same amount per session, market ???r small business ?n th? identical ???r???h ?nd work along w?th ???r clients ?n principally th? identical way. Y?? d? ?ll ?f th? issues th?t different private trainers d?, ?? ??? m??t b? doing one thing r?ght. And, even though ?t seems l?k? a variety ?f work, ??? ?r? beginning t? see ??m? results fr?m ??? efforts. S? wh? w??ld ??? want a Fitness Enterprise Guide?

Nicely, ??n?? I ?m additionally a Fitness Enterprise Consultant, I know th?t m??t ?f wh?t th? majority ?f private trainers ?r? doing t? construct th??r fitness business ???t w??ld n?t work. Positive ??? ?r? going t? g?t ??m? results, h?w???r ?? w??ld placing flyers ?n th? windshields ?f automobiles within th? grocery store parking lot. And n? matter outcomes ??? m?ght b? getting ?r? coming slowly ?nd ?t a b?g price, each ?n bills ?nd ?n missed opportunities. Th? job ?f a Health Business Marketing consultant ?? t? g?t ??? ?nd ???r health business th? best ends ?n th? shortest period ?f time, ?nd t? keep th??? results coming. O?r job ?? t? take OUR clients' outcomes t? th? following level.

Personal trainers h??? th? ability, data ?nd passion t? m?k? th?m successful ?t wh?t th?? d?. H?w???r ability, information ?nd keenness alone w?ll n?t guarantee ??? a profitable fitness BUSINESS. Th?t ??? m??t learn concerning th? "enterprise ?f fitness fr?m somebody wh? h?? th? ability, data ?nd passion f?r building a health Business.

Th?t ?? th? ?l??? Th? Subsequent Stage Health Solutions ??n h?l?. Th?? ?r? a Health Enterprise Consulting Firm th?t m?k?? a speciality ?f dramatically rising ???r health enterprise AND income. W?th th??r comprehensive health enterprise training applications ???'ll study th? whole lot ?t ?? advisable t? know t? ensure ???r small business w?ll b? ?? successful ?nd worthwhile ?? ??? ant ?t t? b?. And th?? offer a sixty-day unconditional guarantee ?n ?ll ?f th??r training packages t? prove ?t.

S?, th? selection ?? ???r. Maintain spinning ???r wheels ?nd getting mediocre outcomes ?t best. Or dramatically improve ???r health business ?nd earnings b? visiting Th? Subsequent Degree Health Options today.

If ??? need ?th?r info concerning marketing f?r personal training, swing b? Neuman Toperstein's website directly.

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Source: http://www.linkingplanet.com/does-a-personal-trainer-really-need-a-fitness-business-advisor/

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

For Recreation, Sports Activities Gathering Is A Nice Passion


By : Ezra Karol ?? zero times read
Submitted 2011-09-24 20:35:32 In this quick-paced, annoying age we stay in, everybody needs a bit of recreation. Sports amassing is a passion that may fill your spare minutes with curiosity and supply a diversion to the on a regular basis grind. Sports activities amassing takes many varieties depending on the person who is pursuing the hobby. Many people choose to gather memorabilia from their favourite professional teams, but others acquire gadgets related to golf, fishing, and other recreation sports. Gathering requires a certain amount of area, but collectors are creative about discovering methods to show their collectibles.

You probably have a favorite professional workforce or two there are lots of gadgets you possibly can accumulate associated to those teams. As an illustration, you'll be able to create scrapbooks through which you save clippings about exciting games, favourite gamers, and special interviews. You may preserve ticket stubs and photographs in your scrapbook, too. Other objects, however, will not match into a scrapbook, comparable to a recreation ball, team jersey, or a workforce's annual yearbook. This stuff will want different storage. There are stands for special balls, and jerseys look nice hanging on a hanger on the wall.

You might like to gather souvenir items from all varieties of sports. Most professional groups sell small metal pins with their insignia on them. Pin accumulating is a broadly practiced hobby, and sports activities teams are one of the hottest sorts of collectible pins, as are these commemorating the Olympics. An alternative choice for sports collecting is to collect vintage sports activities equipment. Classic baseball gloves are an example of this sort of collectible.

Baseball cards have long been a source of recreation. Sports activities gathering enthusiasts have collected baseball playing cards, soccer playing cards, and basketball cards for many years, although baseball cards have been the first. That is such a preferred pastime that some cards are worth some huge cash, similar to a rookie card of a player like Willie Mays.

Other collectors wish to accumulate things that illustrate their favorite recreation sports. Gathering objects adorned with fish, horses, or golfers are examples of a lot of these collections. As an illustration, when you get pleasure from hunting with canines, you can embellish your home in a hunting dog theme. There are throw pillows printed with good-looking hunting canines, as well as with the sport they show you how to find. Chances are you'll discover lamps that have a searching canine because the base. You may even have curtains produced from hunting canine printed materials! The same may be performed around the theme of golf, horseback using, whether western or japanese, bass fishing, sailboats, and other in style recreation sports. Amassing is a hobby that offers many options!

Author Resource:- If you need more info with regard to football card, drop by Franny Dershtermain's Site immediately.

Article From Article Mayhem

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Source: http://www.articlemayhem.com/Art/408359/88/For-Recreation-Sports-Activities-Gathering-Is-A-Nice-Passion.html

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London Removal Companies Helps Make Relocation ...

London Removal Companies

Nothing at all is fixed, every little thing keeps on moving. Folks transfer from one particular area to a different pertaining to job or for some other explanation. Anytime the reason is, they should move with all their belongings, they find it very much challenging. Moving is really a strenuous career. Individuals find it a fantastic issue when the issue of relocation of house or office happens. There are several employment that demand relocation following 1 yr or two. Whenever you are transferring from one area to a different, the principle problem that disturbs you is the best way to move your components. You desire the beneficial materials to reach its location securely. Removing firm will help you in this aspect. They are going to take all of your ache and make sure that all your precious belongings reach safely without having any breaks or even scratches.

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Source: http://southjerseyrealestateagent.com/?p=7267

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সোমবার, ২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike ? A Super Easy Help ...

This article has been viewed 26 times.

In case you are in the marketplace for a new bike ? or for your first bike, you certainly need to check out Trek GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bikes. Trek GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bikes have been established since the beginning of GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike time, and so they aren?t going anywhere soon ? except maybe to the subsequent challenging trail!

In fact, he could be even credited with coining the definition of ?GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike?, as well as other terms such as the ?bullmoose handlebar?.

Mountain biking for many people could be compared to hiking. The thing is to get out, get exercise, and experience nature. Yes, there will be obstacles to maneuver around on them more advanced trails, but some folks are just out for your pleasure of riding in nature ? much like hikers are out to take pleasure in the walk as well as the nature. Some GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bikers are leisurely riders. Some like the challenges that they face out on the trails ? but they aren?t in any hurry. Other?s like both the challenges and also the racing! The trail you decide on expires to you.

Using this new light around the sport of mountain biking, you may certainly be interested in getting involved in this sport. You may want to shed weight. You could possibly just need to have more exercise. On the other hand, you could possibly just like the considered enjoying nature, nevertheless, you aren?t big on walking, and prefer to ride. No matter what your reasons for your interest are, you will definitely require a GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike ? getting a place to ride it is the easy part.

There are numerous sites that carry reviews of varied GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bikes. Some of the sites are extremely dependable among others just can?t be counted on. It?s tough for the average GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Biker to know who to believe ? beginner bikers who have yet to make their first GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike purchase don?t stand the opportunity!

Lots of people have memories of repairing a set on a bicycle tire and can recall having to wrestle the tire from the wheel and fasten or replace the inner tube that have been pierced by way of a thorn or perhaps a little bit of glass that had made its way through the tire. With GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike tires, the prospect of this kind of flat if the tire is properly inflated much less expensive likely since the tire is so sturdy.

Before making an order, it is usually a good idea to talk to other GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bikers. Question them what bike they started with, and whatever they indicate for you personally. The best information you will find should come in the those people who are already deeply into the sport.

If you?re less adventurous, there?s a Gary Fisher GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike only for you. Have a look at the City/Path bikes which are a perfect mixture of GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike, and road runner. These bikes are perfect for urban charity runs, or commuting to school or work. You will have selection of a fork with or without suspension.

With the background of your distance runner, and a triathlete, mountain biking would definitely benefit me. A tad bit more than a year and a half before this race, a friend convinced me to buy an inexpensive hard tail GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike to participate in group rides in winter months time where we might do a great deal hill repeats over a twenty mile loop on pavement. These workouts would keep us in shape from the winter so we really would be better off for the upcoming triathlon season. Once springtime rolled around and I wanted to get into ridding on single track trails that offer switchbacks, rugged terrain and steep hills, I realized that the bike that I currently had was inadequate because of this type of ridding. So then I found myself purchasing a Trek full suspension GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike. The greater I rode my new bike in the local GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike parks, the greater I appreciated through an intermediate level bike. He way the dual suspension was forgiving around the terrain of the trails along with how well the tires provided enough traction with the different trail conditions were only a couple of key features that I began to appreciate concerning this bike. When i rode my GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike around the simple and easy , intermediate trails, I not just realized that I used to be turning into an improved GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Biker, I noticed another thing along the way. After i was not making my way although the local GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike parks, I was from the road on my triathlon bike. A few things i found out about mountain biking is that it forces you to become great at being able to handle your bike in all different situations. It?s that same requirement in mountain biking that made me well informed when riding on road, especially through a village high are lots of cars, traffic lights, potholes along with other various problems that a cyclist has to be aware of. At that time, while I had been still becoming acclimated to this bike that I had bought, I knew that sometime in the near future I would really like to consider using a GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike race. I additionally knew that I would have to turn into a far better GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Biker as of this new discipline before I try to get it done with a competitive level. I soon found myself waking up very early on a September morning to join an of friends on what was going to be considered a sixty mile ride on our bikes. We?d ride the very first thirty five miles on the flat trail after which stop in the morning and so the fun would really begin. Then twenty-five miles of singe track trails to see who could endure one of the most pain. As the leaves fell off the trees and also the snow blanketed the bottom, there was clearly yet another opportunity for me. Mountain biking on the snow packed trails while breathing the dry air and looking not to let my tires lose their grip in the snow. Eventually in the middle of summer time, I came across myself on vacation visiting a friend in Massachusetts nearby the New Hampshire border and that we GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Biked at various parks in the region. My pal and i also rode in parks that offered a never-ending amount of rocks, boulders, roots, logs, manufactured bridges over creeks and even a few mosquitoes! At this time I had been confident enough in my bike handling that I?d registered for my first GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike race.

I thought by what led me to buy a GMC Topkick Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike, how long would it not take before I would become confident enough to ride through rugged terrain, switchback trails and steep hills. Could this new sport assist me in another endurance sports that I compete in?

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Source: http://www.inventivearticles.com/fitness-exercise/gmc-topkick-dual-suspension-mountain-bike-a-super-easy-help-and-information-about-gmc-topkick-dual-suspension-mountain-bike/

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Will Hollywood's fur ban spread?

West Hollywood bans the sale of fur clothing. Will more California cities follow?

After 25 years away, I returned to the LSE and had a great time. Both the International Growth Center and the Department of Geography and the Environment were wonderful hosts. It was great to see old friends at the LSE Economics Department and to try to recall who I was at the age of 20 as I was starting my research career.
Switching gears, I want to pay homage to my friend Gernot Wagner. Good PR people are now pushing bloggers to notice his book and I reproduce a quote below that I received. Today's NY Times has an article that Gernot would have something smart to say about. West Hollywood is a funky town about 5 miles east of UCLA. This community (which is LA's Greenwich Village) has banned fur clothing sales. Could this action set off a chain reaction such that fur creatures are protected? Gernot and I would say, "no". The town's leaders know this but they seek to make a statement.

Skip to next paragraph Matthew Kahn

Mathew is an economics professor at UCLA and has written three books: Green Cities (Brookings Institution Press); Heroes and Cowards (Princeton University Press, jointly with Dora L. Costa); and in fall 2010, Climatopolis: How Our Cities Will Thrive in the Hotter World (Basic Books).

Recent posts

?This is a tiny city, so it?s mostly symbolic,? said Councilman John D?Amico, who sponsored the fur ban. ?I think the impact will be heard from here to Fifth Avenue. People will talk about what a fur ban means in a new way.?
So, this is a new case of the "boycott". Since the coat you wear is observed in public, the people of West Hollywood can use shame and ostracism to enforce this new social norm. But, I doubt that neighboring Beverly Hills people will change their behavior. In fact, they may buy more fur coats if they think that the price may drop.
Here is the PR blurb for Gernot's book.
"In But Will the Planet Notice?: How Smart Economics Can Save the World (Oct 2011) Gernot Wagner, an economist at the Environmental Defense Fund, shows that the solution to climate instability will not be found in science, politics, or even activism?guiding market forces in the U.S. and around the world is the only solution. Wagner had a terrific op-ed in the New York Times tied directly to the book, titled ?Going Green but Getting Nowhere?. The piece was the Times? #2 most emailed story that day and has been attracting many reader responses."

The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of the best economy-related bloggers out there. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by the Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own, as is responsibility for the content of their blogs. To contact us about a blogger, click here. To add or view a comment on a guest blog, please go to the blogger's own site by clicking on greeneconomics.blogspot.com.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/j_cN-A0LEfk/Will-Hollywood-s-fur-ban-spread

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রবিবার, ২৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Palestinian crisis looms over U.N. meeting (Reuters)

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) ? Diplomats scrambled on Thursday to head off a clash over Palestinian plans to seek full U.N. recognition with little visible sign of progress and a deadline less than 24 hours away.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad briefly seized the spotlight at the United Nations General Assembly, accusing the United States of using the September 11, 2001, attacks as a pretext for attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan and condemning western support for Zionism.

But attention focused on the crisis transfixing this year's U.N. meeting. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is ready to submit his application to the U.N. Security Council on Friday despite pressure from U.S. President Barack Obama to forgo the U.N. option and resume direct talks with Israel.

Obama's meetings with Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday ended with no breakthrough, illustrating stark new limits of U.S. influence over a process spinning in unpredictable directions.

Obama, whose personal efforts to restart the Middle East peace process have proved fruitless, on Wednesday declared that direct talks were the only path to Palestinian statehood, underscoring unbending U.S. opposition to the U.N. plan.

Obama said the United States will veto any Palestinian move in the Security Council -- a step that would isolate Washington with its ally Israel at a moment of unprecedented political turmoil across the region.

"We understand that the Palestinian people feel like they have waited very long, and far too long, to have their own state. We want to help them achieve that state as quickly as possible," U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice told U.S. NPR radio.

"But the bottom line is there's no way to accomplish that short of the two sides coming back to the negotiating table," Rice said, calling the Palestinian U.N. bid "unwise and counterproductive."

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who had her own meetings with Abbas and Netanyahu, said the United States would continue to push for a durable, negotiated peace.

"Regardless of what happens tomorrow in the United Nations, we remain focused on the day after," Clinton told reporters.


Whatever happens at the United Nations, Palestinians will remain under Israeli occupation and any nominal state would lack recognized borders or real independence and sovereignty.

The cash-strapped Palestinians face their own political divisions, and may also incur financial retribution from Israel and the United States that could hobble their efforts to build the framework of government for their homeland.

But in the West Bank, Palestinians have rallied this week to support the U.N. plan, with many expressing anger and disappointment over two decades of failed U.S. policy peace policy.

At the United Nations, diplomats are focused on several scenarios which they hope may contain the damage once Abbas makes his application, as most expect he will.

The Security Council could delay action on Abbas' request, giving the mediating "Quartet" -- the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations -- more time to craft a declaration that could coax the two sides back to the table.

But the Quartet may be unable to agree on a statement that could satisfy both Israel and the Palestinians, which remain divided on core issues including borders, the status of Jerusalem, the fate of Palestinian refugees and the future of Jewish settlements.

A senior U.S. official said Quartet envoys met for several hours on Thursday.

Another option, advanced by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, would see the Palestinians go to the General Assembly, which could vote to upgrade the Palestinians from an "entity" to a "non-member state" while reviving direct peace talks.

Sarkozy's plan calls for talks to begin within one month, an agreement on borders and security within six months and a final peace agreement within a year.

The General Assembly route would require only a simple majority of the 193-nation body, not a two-thirds majority necessary for full statehood.

What remains unclear, however, is whether the Palestinians will insist on the right to haul the Israeli government or its officials before war-crimes tribunals or sue them in other global venues -- something Israel opposes.

The Palestinians have pledged to press the Security Council bid while keeping the General Assembly option open.


Iran's Ahmadinejad -- who arrived in New York this year weakened by factional infighting at home -- accused Western powers of a variety of misdeeds and again questioned the September 11, 2001, attacks as "mysterious."

In what has become a regular piece of political theater, U.S. and other Western delegations walked out of the General Assembly hall during his speech.

Although he did not mention Tehran's disputed nuclear program in his U.N. speech, Ahmadinejad said later that Iran would stop producing 20 percent enriched uranium if it is guaranteed fuel for a medical research reactor, seeking to revive a fuel swap deal that fell apart in 2009.

"Any time they can guarantee us this sale ... we will stop 20 percent enrichment," he told reporters, although deep Western skepticism over Iran's nuclear intentions would likely slow any possible resumption of talks.

The Iranian leader, who in the past has called Israel a "tumor" that must be wiped from the map, made only a passing reference to the Palestinian issue in his U.N. speech and had no comment on the Palestinians' bid for U.N. recognition.

(Additional reporting by Arshad Mohammed, John Irish, Louis Charbonneau, Patrick Worsnip, Alistair Lyon and Tom Perry; Editing by Xavier Briand)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/mideast/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110922/wl_nm/us_palestinians_israel_un

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শনিবার, ২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Health and Fitness ? How to Find the Best Foot Massager for Your ...

Chronic foot soreness plagues millions of individuals throughout the world, so it is no wonder that there are foot massage contraptions of every conceivable shape and size out on the market today. With so many devices to choose from, it is hard to know how to choose the right massager for you. In this article, I will help you find the best foot massager for your money.

Pricey Hi-Tech Massage Machines

There are many high-tech foot and leg massagers out there, but with the high technology comes a high price tag. One such massager is the Ottoman Human Touch machine. This contraption looks kind of like, as the name suggests, an ottoman. You stick your feet into the slots, and a remote controlled roller massages the bottom of your feet.

This and similar massagers will doubtlessly give you a soothing massage, but the question you?ll need to ask yourself is whether you really want or actually need to spend $300 and upwards in order to massage your feet?

Mid-priced Massage Tools

If you are not quite ready to splurge on the priciest foot gadget money can buy, consider instead a mid-priced foot therapy tool. The Multi Mode Warming Luxury Tapping Foot Massager is one such device. Priced at around $50, this device not only gives your feet a nice patting and vibrating massage, it also has a warming function to heat the soles of your feet.

This and similar devices are good alternatives if you aren?t crazy about paying top dollar, and can provide a pleasant massage. One drawback to be aware of is that they are mechanical machines, and may be subject to breakage, and so consider the cost of repair and replacement when making your choice.

Low-tech, Low-Cost Effective Foot Massagers

You may be surprised that some of the most inexpensive, low-tech foot therapy devices can actually give you the best foot massage without breaking the bank. My favorite such foot device, and in my opinion the best foot massager for your money, is the traditional Japanese bamboo foot massager.

This simple massage tool, which has been used as the go-to foot massage tool in Japan for centuries, is simply a half-cut of bamboo that is naturally arched in such a way that it gives the bottoms of your feet a soothing, stimulating and surprisingly effective massage, just by stepping on it.

In contrast to the pricier models described above, this type of low-tech massage tool can be had for under $20, and since it is made of hard, natural bamboo and has no moving parts, it is durable and you can expect it to last a lifetime. It is also small, lightweight, portable, and very simple to use, so you?re more likely to keep using it instead of stashing it away unused in your garage, closet or attic.

As you can see, there are many good massage tools out on the market for every budget. So which is the?best foot massager?for your money?

Learn more about the Takefumi Japanese Bamboo Foot Massager and find our how you can get your own! Visit?take-fumi.com

Source: http://medicaltips.biz/2011/09/22/how-to-find-the-best-foot-massager-for-your-money/

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Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine

Compiled by Susan Barlow, Class of 2007

Journal of Intrapersonal Violence ?The distribution of and factors associated with ?Intimate Terrorism? and ?Situational Couple Violence? among a population-based sample of urban women in the United States? V. Frye, J. Manganello, Jacquelyn Campbell, Benita Walton-Moss, S. Wilt
October 2006
Oncology Nursing
?Spiritual Issues of Family Members in a Pancreatic Cancer Chat Room? Marie Nolan, M. Hodgin, S. Olsen, J. Coleman, P. Sauter, D. Baker, C. Stanfield, A. Emerling, R. Hruban
November 2006
Journal of Nursing Administration ?The RWJ Executive Nurse Fellows Program, Part 3. Making the Business Case? Maryann Fralic, R. Morjikian February 2007 Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action ?A vision for progress in community health partnerships? S. Tandon, K. Phillips, B. Bordeaux, L. Bone, P. Brown, K. Cagney, T. Gary, Miyong Kim, D. Levine, E. Price, K. Sydnor, K. Stone, E. Bass
March/April 2007
?Classic, New, and Not-so-new Readings for Nurse Executives? Maryann Fralic
February 2007
Progress in Transplantation ?Evidence on spouse responses to illness as a guide to understanding and studying spouse response to living organ donation? Laura Taylor, S. Dudley-Brown, Marie Nolan June 2006
?Collaborative Synergy-Practice and Academic Partnerships in Evidence-Based Practice? Robin P. Newhouse March 2007 Public Health Nursing ?The syphilis elimination project: Targeting the Hispanic community of Baltimore City? B. Endyke-Doran, R. Gonzalez, M. Trujullo, A. Solera, P. Vigilance, Lori Edwards, Sara Groves
January/February 2007
Journal of Nursing Care Quality ?Quest for the Ideal, a Redesign of the Medication Use System,? D. Dang, E. Feroli, C. Gill, L. Paine, K. Shermock, J. Suflita, Jo M. Walrath
January/March 2007
?Fathers clubs to improve children health in rural Haiti?
Elizabeth Sloand, B. Gebrian
January/February 2006?


Journal of Palliative Medicine ?The Turning Point: Clinical Identification of Dying and Reorientation of Care.? E. Jakobson, I. Bergh, Fannie Gaston-Johannson, C. Stolt, J. Ohlen December 2006 Quality and Safety in Healthcare ?Heart Failure at the Acute Care Frontline: Barriers and Potential Solutions Identified through Focus Groups? Cheryl Dennison, K. Davis, P. Pronovost, S. Russell June 2006
?Interdisciplinary Interventions to Improve Pediatric Palliative Care and Reduce Health Care Professional Suffering?
Cynthia Rushton, E. Reder, B. Hall, K. Comello, D. Sellers, N. Hutton
August 2006
Rehabilitation Nursing
?Fatigue after stroke: Relationship to mobility, fitness, ambulatory activity, social support, and falls efficacy? K. Michael, Jerilyn Allen, R. Macko
September/October 2006
Journal of Pediatric Nursing ?Psychological Adjustment in Young Children with Chronic Medical Conditions,? Susan Immelt
September 2006
Seminars in Pediatric Neurology ??My Son Is Still Walking:? Stages of Receptivity to Discussions of Advance Care Planning Among Parents of Sons With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? L. Erby, Cynthia Rushton, and G. Geller June 2006
Journal of Professional Nursing ?Doula Care: Nursing Students Gain additional Skills to define their Professional Practice? Elizabeth Jordan, Shirley Van Zandt, Erin Wright
November-December 2007
Touch Briefings: Nursing Leadership 2006 ?Breaking the Silence-Bridging the Communications Gap Between Healthcare Professionals? Jo M. Walrath, and Cynthia H. Rushton February 2007
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment ?Exposure to violence among substance-dependent pregnant women and their children? M. Valez, I. Montoya, L. Jansson, V. Walters, D. Svikis, H. Jones. H. Chilcoat, Jacquelyn Campbell
January 2006
The Lancet ?A Non-invasive Test for Prenatal Diagnosis Based on Fetal DNA Present in Maternal Blood: A Preliminary Study? R. Dhallan, X. Guo, S. Emche, M. Damewood, P. Bayliss, M. Cronin, J. Barry, J. Betz, JHUSON baccalaureate student Kara Franz, K. Gold, B. Vallecillo B, J. Varney February 2007
Journal of Transcultural Nursing ?Community transformation through culturally competent nursing leadership: Application of theory of culture care diversity and the tridimensional leader effectiveness model? M. Shapiro, J. Miller, and Kathleen White April 2006 US Nursing Leadership 2006 ?Breaking the Silence-Bridging the Communications Gap Between Healthcare Professionals? Jo M. Walrath and Cynda H. Rushton


Journal of Women?s Health
?Ethnicity and Vasomotor Symptoms in Postmenopausal Women? Jerilyn Allen, S. Appling, Kathryn Paez February 2006
Violence & Victims ?Risk factors for femicide-suicide in abusive relationships: Results from a multi-site case control study? J. Koziol-McLain, D. Webster, K. McFarlane, C. Block, Y. Ulrich, Nancy Glass, Jacquelyn Campbell February 2006
Mental Health Nursing ?Psychiatric and physical health ramifications of traumatic events in women? Jessica Gill, Gayle Page
August/September 2006
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing ?Creating Infrastructure Supportive of Evidence Based Nursing Practice: Leadership Strategies? Robin P. Newhouse March 2007
Military Medicine ?Domestic Violence in the military: Women?s policy preferences and beliefs concerning routine screening and mandatory reporting? A. Gielen, Jacquelyn Campbell, M. Garza, P. O?Campo, J. Dienemann, Joan Kub, A. Snow Jones, D. Lloyd August 2006 Women?s Health Issues ?Long Term health costs of intimate partner violence? A. Snow-Jones, J. Dienemann, J. Schollenberger, Joan Kub, P. O?Campo, A. Gielen, Jacquelyn Campbell
September/October 2006
Nursing Administration Quarterly ?Burdensome Situations in Everyday Nursing? Maya Shaha, F. Rabenschlag April/June 2007 Women & Health ?Intimate partner violence and health provider training and screening in the news? J. Manganello, D. Webster, Jacquelyn Campbell August 2006
?Evaluating an Innovative Program to Improve New Nurse Graduate Socialization into the Acute Healthcare Setting.? Robin Newhouse, Janice Hoffman, J. Suflita, D. Hairston January/March 2007. Books/Chapters
Nursing and Informatics for the 21st Century Chapter, ?Skills and Competencies Needed in the Nursing Informatics Role? Marion J. Ball; A. B. McBride Weaver, C.; Delaney, C.; Weber, P.; & Carr, R. (ed.) HIMSS 2006 AACN Protocols for practice: End of life and palliative care issues in critical care ?Principles for end of life communication and conflict resolution? Cynthia Rushton Kathleen A. Puntillo (ed.) Jones & Bartlett
March 2006
Nursing Management ?Medical Errors: Where are we now?? M. Mewshaw, Kathleen White, Jo Walrath
October 2006
Aspects of the Electronic Health Record Systems Patricia Abbott, H. Lehmann, N. Roderer, A. Rothschild, S. Mandell, J. Ferrer, & R. Miller (ed.) Springer-Verlag April 2006
?Be a best-in-class organization? Kathleen White September 2006 Assessing dangerousness: Violence by sexual offenders, batterers, and child abusers ?Predictions of interpersonal violence: An Introduction? Daniel Sheridan, Nancy Glass, B. Limandri, C. Poulos Jacquelyn Campbell (ed.) Springer Publishing May 2007
?Protect your staff by employing patient ergonomics? Kathleen White April 2007
Nursing Outlook
?An evaluation framework for faculty practice? Kathleen Becker, Joan Kub, Carol Smith, Elizabeth Jordan, Kathleen White, and Deborah Dang
January-February 2007
Current Issues in Nursing Chapter, ?Health Care for the Poor and Underserved,? Sara Groves Mosby,
7th Edition May 2006
?Developing Community Partnerships in Nursing Education for Children?s Health? Kathryn Kushto-Reese, Maureen C. Maguire, JoAnne Silbert-Flagg, Susan Immelt, and Sarah J. M. Shaefer February 2007 Forensic Emergency Medicine Chapter: ?Treating survivors of intimate partner abuse? Daniel Sheridan M.C. Jackson & W. S. Smock (ed.) Philadelphia, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins
?Service Learning in Nursing?
Joanne Silbert-Flagg
March/April 2007
Human-Computer Interaction Concepts: Implications for Use in Clinical Care Chapter: ?Pediatrics Informatics? Patricia Abbott, Steve Klapper C. Lehman & G. Kim (ed.) Springer-Verlag 2006

Source: http://magazine.nursing.jhu.edu/2011/09/5393/

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শুক্রবার, ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

BP files first US Gulf drill plan since Macondo (Reuters)

HOUSTON (Reuters) ? BP PLC has filed an oil exploration plan with the U.S. government for the Gulf of Mexico, a spokesman confirmed Friday, and analysts say the filing is the first since the Macondo oil spill in 2010.

"We have filed a supplemental exploration plan," a BP spokesman confirmed. "Obviously, we had an exploration plan and we've added to it."

The filing is a first for BP since the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded and sank in April 2010 while finishing BP's Macondo well offshore of Louisiana, killing 11 workers and triggering the worst U.S. marine oil spill.

The accident triggered a moratorium temporarily halting Gulf drilling and led to big changes in the way the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management regulates oil and gas exploration.

Other companies have had exploration and drilling plans approved since the accident, but not BP.

BOEM had no immediate comment.

The filing is for further appraisal of the 2006 Kaskida discovery in the Keathley Canyon area. An appraisal well in 2009 confirmed oil in the highly touted Lower Tertiary plan in the Gulf.

"This well builds on the success of our recent Tiber discovery to further strengthen BP's leading position in the emerging Lower Tertiary plan in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico," BP executive Andy Inglis said at the time.

(Reporting by Bruce Nichols; Editing by David Gregorio)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/environment/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110923/sc_nm/us_oil_usa_bp_gulf

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Tony Bennett blames Americans for 9/11

While promoting his latest album, "Duets II," Tony Bennett appeared on Howard Stern?s Sirius XM radio show on Monday, Sept. 19. While the interview has landed Bennett?s name in the headlines, it may have also earned him some controversial publicity.

According to ABC News, the World War II vet (who described himself as ?anti-war?) expressed disdain for the U.S.-Iraq war, calling it ?a tremendous, tremendous mistake.? When challenged as to how America should deal with terrorists, specifically those involved with the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, Bennett gave an unexpected answer.

?But who are the terrorists? Are we the terrorists or are they the terrorists? Two wrongs don?t make a right,? he said.

?They flew the plane in, but we caused it,? he continued. ?Because we were bombing them and they told us to stop.? After a few moments of contemplative silence, Stern agreed that his guest had made ?some good points.?

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Bennett also noted that during a meeting with President George W. Bush in 2005, the head of state disclosed his opinion on the polarizing war. ?He told me personally that night, he said, ?I think I made a mistake,?? Bennett recalled, adding that President Bush ?had a special liking to me.?

Bennett?s "Duets II" released on Sept. 20 via Columbia Records. The album features the last compete recording by Amy Winehouse prior to her death, as well as collaborations with Lady Gaga, John Mayer, Aretha Franklin, Josh

Copyright 2011 The Hollywood Reporter

Source: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/44602197/ns/today-entertainment/

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

NFL 2011: Cam Newton, a quarterback to build a dream on.

Cam Newton, a Quarterback To Build a Dream On

Posted Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011, at 12:04 PM ET

This NFL roundtable is a seasonlong partnership between Slate and Deadspin. Check back here each week as a rotating cast of football watchers discusses the weekend's key plays, coaching decisions, and traumatic brain injuries. And

Cam Newton. Click image to expand.Speaking of Vick, here's a tweet I saw yesterday from Sam Farmer of the Los Angeles Times:

Reports are Vick argued with medical staff when pulled. That could be competitiveness. But maybe angry outburst triggered by concussion.

Ah, yes. Brain rage. Early-onset chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Insta-dementia. You know we are in full-on health-crisis mode when sportswriters are getting out their toy stethoscopes and offering long-distance, extrasensory diagnoses based on second-hand information. Glad to see we're subjecting the concussions story to the same scientific rigor that had reporters convicting ballplayers of 'roiding on the evidence of their Topps cards.

But enough about injuries. Let's talk Cam Newton, who hung 432 yards on the Packers a week after throwing for 422 against the Cardinals, and who got me wondering what kind of national orgasm we'd have experienced last year had Tim Tebow accomplished in a full game what Newton did in Sunday's first quarter. The Panthers' first possession unfolded like a point-by-point rebuke of everything bad anyone had ever said about Newton's abilities. The first play from scrimmage had him rolling out to his right and throwing on the move, like a shortstop, to the deep corner, where tight end Jeremy Shockey merely had to run under the ball. This was soon followed by a slant to Steve Smith requiring both the timing and touch Newton was said to lack, and then a tricky play-action in which Smith was the only receiver to run a pattern, and Newton had to sling the ball across the field from somewhere in the Piedmonts.

The Panthers eventually scored on a soft little fade that Newton lobbed off his back foot. He threw for 151 yards in all in that first quarter, and even if the mistakes started to pile up afterward?three very bad interceptions among them, not to mention a number of high throws that will one day get a receiver murdered?and even if ESPN's fancy new Total Quarterback Rating gewgaw came away wholly unimpressed, it was impossible not to appreciate all those molten gifts, here in just Newton's second game as an honest pro. At one point late in the fourth quarter, Newton danced out of pressure and, once again on the move, delivered a ball to Steve Smith that maybe four other quarterbacks in the NFL could throw. It traveled 60 yards in the air and left the color guy, Jim Mora, so discombobulated that he started inventing verbs on the spot. "Hucks it," I believe he said.

It occurs to me now that we really don't know anything about Cam Newton. Projecting quarterback play is a shaky science already, and with Newton we had only a single season of major college ball to work with. This is a rare event. We're so brutally overinformed about every aspect of every player in the NFL?hey, Terrelle Pryor scored a 7 on his Wonderlic!?that it's almost a relief to have an unknown quantity in our midst. For now, Newton's a quarterback to build a dream on. Keep hucking it, kid.

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Cam Newton, a Quarterback To Build a Dream On

Posted Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011, at 12:04 PM ET

Tommy Craggs is senior editor of Deadspin. Stefan Fatsis is the author of Word Freak and A Few Seconds of Panic, a regular guest on NPR's All Things Considered and a panelist on Slate's sports podcast "Hang Up and Listen." You can e-mail him at and follow him on Twitter. Nate Jackson played in the NFL for six seasons. Josh Levin is Slate's executive editor. You can e-mail him at , visit his Web site, and follow him on Twitter. Drew Magary is a writer for Deadspin, Maxim, GQ, and Kissing Suzy Kolber. His new novel, The Postmortal, is in stores now. Follow him on Twitter. Barry Petchesky is a writer for Deadspin. Tom Scocca is the managing editor of Deadspin and the author of Beijing Welcomes You.

Entry 1: Photograph of Peyton Manning by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images. Entry 2: Photograph of Billy Cundiff by Rob Carr/Getty Images. Entry 3: Photograph of Roger Goodell by Jason Miller/Getty Images. Entry 4: Photograph of David Garrard by Rick Stewart/Getty Images. Entry 5: Photograph of Drew Brees and Arron Rodgers by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images. Entry 6: Photograph of Sean Payton by Sean Gardner/Getty Images. Entry 7: Photograph of Mark Sanchez by Elsa/Getty Images. Entry 8: Photograph of Adrian Peterson by Donald Miralle/Getty Images. Entry 9: Photograph of Jay Cutler by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images. Entry 10: Photograph of Bill Belichick by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images. Entry 11: Photograph of Sebastian Janikowski by Garrett W. Ellwood/Getty Images. Entry 12: Photograph of Tom Brady by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images. Entry 13: Photograph of Chad Henne by J. Meric/Getty Images.

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বুধবার, ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Applying For Accelerated Nursing Programs | AutoRoll - Reference ...

If you actually have a bachelor's degree or a degree that is not a nursing degree and you want to get into a nursing career, accelerated nursing programs are likely the best shot for you. Using the credits from your already existing degrees, you will be able to go right into a BSN (Bachelor's Degree in Nursing) or an MSN (Master?s Degree in Nursing) or even become a Registered Nurse while not having to start right at the bottom which would take much longer.

Accelerated nursing programs for a BSN will last between 11 and 18 months, while an MSN will usually take you 3 years. The programs are designed to build on existing education, though non-nursing. They will put together everything that one must become an RN, BSN or MSN but starting at a rather advanced level. The presumption is that at your current level of education, you'll be able to cope with getting in at an increased level.

Points to consider before you enrol

There are some arguments to accelerated nursing programs.

  • They will not offer summers off like regular school programs. They will many times need you to work on standard holidays, and you cannot work outside jobs as you are required to do 40 or even more hours a week all year round.
  • In spite of this, accelerated nursing programs will finally need less time to complete. You can decide to view the full-time hours as a chance to better focus in opposition to if you were doing a part-time program.
  • Because you are not permitted to work because of the work load, you are also more certain to be considered for financial help.

Where it's possible to find Accelerated Nursing Programs

Most local nursing schools will have a good accelerated nursing program on offer. Remember that they are not the same sped up nursing degrees, which take longer, begin at basic level and require you to have some hands-on time at a health facility.

You may also do an online search for accelerated nursing programs. Online searches for anything are bound to bring varied results ?the good and the bad, and it is important that you choose carefully. If you choose a school online, make sure that it has a powerful reputation for this type of programme.

To raise your chances of getting into an accelerated nursing program, you need a strong GPA, typically 3.0 or higher. You need to also try and get as many tutorial and work references as you can; these programs are considered to be for the more mature people and the more of these that you produce, the easier it is to convince a school to grant you access. As mush as practicable let the references point to your enthusiasm and motivation for your interest in the programme.

You also have to determine what exactly each college offers, because there are some basic minimums: they must offer the fundamentals of health assessment, pharmacology, anatomy, biology and physiology. Check how they do their practical courses as well ?do they refer you to a health facility or have you got to make the hunt for yourself? And what type of supervision do they offer in this part of your course? You would like to get the finest coaching possible and this will only occur if you go to a good health facility and are supervised well.

If you do all this, and you do it right, there's a lot that you can do after your course. There's a high demand for all kinds of specialized nurses, so be sure that as you choose your specialization, you concentrate on this too. Choose an area where you are most comfortable and happy working ?you are coming from a non-nursing background and the difficulties can be hard to cope with at first.

Accelerated nursing programs are a good way to change careers regardless of if that's not where you started off at first. They are definitely a great way to explore what you are good at too and expand your width of specialization.

Etta Kerr recommends getting an online nursing degree. There are some online RN to BSN programs available that will do wonders to your career.

Source: http://referenceandeducation.therefinedgeek.com.au/index.php/2011/09/applying-for-accelerated-nursing-programs/

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Dinklage thrown by 'Thrones' Emmy win

Peter Dinklage picked up his first ever Emmy for his role as Tyrion Lannister in HBO?s ?Game of Thrones,? and while he came across charming and polished while giving his acceptance speech, the actor was anything but ready just before his name was called.

Story: 'Modern Family' wins big at the Emmys

?There?s some really good actors up there who could just have easily been holding this,? Peter told Access Hollywood backstage at the awards ceremony, referring to his competition on Sunday night.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: "Game Of Thrones" Stars At The 2011 Emmys

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Peter said he did not expect to win at all.

Slideshow: Fashions of the 2011 Primetime Emmys (on this page)

?Definitely not me,? he said when asked who he expected to win. ?Esteem issues.?

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In his speech, Peter delighted the crowd as he praised ?GOT? producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, his own pregnant wife, Erica Schmidt, and someone back home, but none of his words were planned.

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He told Access he didn?t prepare a speech.

?No, God, no. I forgot to thank my manager. I was thanking my dog sitter before my manager,? he said. ?It?s a blur when you get up there. It?s a lot of people.?

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The actor only has a short while to celebrate before he heads back overseas to continue production on Season 2 of the series.

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?It?s a lot of fun to go to work. We?re shooting the second season right now,? he said. ?I gotta go back to Belfast (on) Tuesday, so, yeah, it?s fun, a lot of fun.?

VIEW THE PHOTOS: "Game Of Thrones" Stars In Street Clothes

And on a related note, Peter opened his acceptance speech by remarking about following Martin Scorsese, who picked up a Best Directing nod just before Peter?s category was announced. Backstage, Access? cameras caught the two as they met, both congratulating each other heartily.

Copyright 2011 by NBC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/44576104/ns/today-entertainment/

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Causes of Gulf War Illness are complex and vary by deployment area -- Baylor University study

Causes of Gulf War Illness are complex and vary by deployment area -- Baylor University study [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Sep-2011
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Contact: Frank Raczkiewicz
Baylor University

Gulf War Illness (GWI)the chronic health condition that affects about one in four military veterans of the 1991 Gulf Warappears to be the result of several factors, which differed in importance depending upon the locations where veterans served during the war, according to a Baylor University study.

Published online today in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, the study investigated links between GWI and veterans' locations during the war. GWI was most prevalent in veterans who served in forward areas of Iraq and Kuwait, where it was most strongly associated with use of a medication given to 1991 Gulf War troops to protect them from effects of nerve agents. For personnel who remained in support locations, GWI was significantly associated only with pesticide use during the war.

"Understanding the causes of GWI has presented a complex puzzle in the 20 years since the Gulf War," said Lea Steele, Ph.D., Baylor University epidemiologist and lead author of the study. "Many of the nearly 700,000 U.S. veterans who served in that war encountered different levels and combinations of potentially hazardous substances. Our study determined that wartime exposures and rates of GWI were not the same for all veterans in all areas. In earlier studies, the causes of GWI often seemed indecipherable, when such differences were not taken into account."

The study found that GWI prevalence was nearly six times higher in veterans who served in Iraq or Kuwait, where all ground battles took place during the 1991 conflict, compared to veterans who remained on board ship during the war. For troops in the high-risk areas, GWI prevalence was 3.5 times greater in the subgroup that used pyridostigmine bromide pills, or PB, compared to those who did not use PB, which was issued by the military as a protective measure in the event of a nerve gas attack. GWI was also increased for forward-deployed personnel who reported being near exploded SCUD missiles or smoke from the Kuwaiti oil fires, and pesticide use.

In contrast, for veterans who remained in support areas, GWI was significantly increased only in the relatively small subgroup that wore pesticide-treated uniforms and also used skin pesticides. The study found no significant link between GWI and warzone experiences associated with a high degree of psychological stress, such as serving in combat and seeing others who were killed or badly injured.

The study evaluated symptoms, health conditions and deployment experiences reported by 304 veterans who served in the 1991 Gulf War, also known as Operation Desert Storm. That conflict concluded in February, 1991, after a six-week air campaign and four-day ground war.

Although the war was brief, concerns have been raised about a variety of chemical exposures associated with Gulf War deployment. The Baylor study found that a large proportion of veterans who were in Iraq and Kuwait used PB pills and were exposed to the smoke from over 600 burning oil well fires, which darkened Kuwaiti skies for much of 1991. Investigations sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense also indicate that approximately 100,000 U.S. troops were potentially exposed to low levels of chemical nerve agents released during weapons demolition operations in Iraq after the 1991 cease fire, and that thousands of troops were likely overexposed to different types of pesticides, which were commonly misused and overused during the 1991 Gulf War.

"Our study results strongly suggest that GWI is the residual effect of exposures encountered by military personnel who served in the 1991 Gulf War," said Steele, research professor of biomedical studies in the Institute of Biomedical Studies at Baylor. "Although the specific biological mechanisms are not well understood, we know that a number of the 1991 Gulf War exposures of concernPB pills, many of the pesticides, and low-level nerve agentsaffect the same nerve signaling chemical, acetylcholine, which is involved in diverse processes necessary for normal brain and neurological function."

Gulf War Illness is the term commonly used for the complex of symptoms that affect Gulf War veterans at excess rates and are not explained by established diagnoses or routine laboratory tests. Symptoms of GWI typically include some combination of chronic headache, widespread pain, memory and concentration difficulties, unexplained fatigue, and digestive and other abnormalities. Studies indicate that GWI affects at least 25 percent of veterans who served in the 1991 Gulf War, and that few have recovered over time.

"Twenty years after Desert Storm, it is essential to understand why veterans became ill," Steele said, "to better address the biological mechanisms that underlie veterans' symptoms and to prevent this problem from happening in the future."


Study co-authors include Antonio Sastre, Ph.D., and Mary R. Cook, Ph.D., formerly of Midwest Research Institute in Kansas City, MO, and Mary M. Gerkovich, Ph.D., of the Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics, at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine.

About Baylor University

Baylor University is a private Christian university and a nationally ranked research institution. The university provides a vibrant campus community for approximately 15,000 students by blending interdisciplinary research with an international reputation for educational excellence and a faculty commitment to teaching and scholarship. Chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas through the efforts of Baptist pioneers, Baylor is the oldest continually operating university in Texas. Located in Waco, Baylor welcomes students from all 50 states and more than 80 countries to study a broad range of degrees among its 11 nationally recognized academic divisions.

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Causes of Gulf War Illness are complex and vary by deployment area -- Baylor University study [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Sep-2011
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Contact: Frank Raczkiewicz
Baylor University

Gulf War Illness (GWI)the chronic health condition that affects about one in four military veterans of the 1991 Gulf Warappears to be the result of several factors, which differed in importance depending upon the locations where veterans served during the war, according to a Baylor University study.

Published online today in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, the study investigated links between GWI and veterans' locations during the war. GWI was most prevalent in veterans who served in forward areas of Iraq and Kuwait, where it was most strongly associated with use of a medication given to 1991 Gulf War troops to protect them from effects of nerve agents. For personnel who remained in support locations, GWI was significantly associated only with pesticide use during the war.

"Understanding the causes of GWI has presented a complex puzzle in the 20 years since the Gulf War," said Lea Steele, Ph.D., Baylor University epidemiologist and lead author of the study. "Many of the nearly 700,000 U.S. veterans who served in that war encountered different levels and combinations of potentially hazardous substances. Our study determined that wartime exposures and rates of GWI were not the same for all veterans in all areas. In earlier studies, the causes of GWI often seemed indecipherable, when such differences were not taken into account."

The study found that GWI prevalence was nearly six times higher in veterans who served in Iraq or Kuwait, where all ground battles took place during the 1991 conflict, compared to veterans who remained on board ship during the war. For troops in the high-risk areas, GWI prevalence was 3.5 times greater in the subgroup that used pyridostigmine bromide pills, or PB, compared to those who did not use PB, which was issued by the military as a protective measure in the event of a nerve gas attack. GWI was also increased for forward-deployed personnel who reported being near exploded SCUD missiles or smoke from the Kuwaiti oil fires, and pesticide use.

In contrast, for veterans who remained in support areas, GWI was significantly increased only in the relatively small subgroup that wore pesticide-treated uniforms and also used skin pesticides. The study found no significant link between GWI and warzone experiences associated with a high degree of psychological stress, such as serving in combat and seeing others who were killed or badly injured.

The study evaluated symptoms, health conditions and deployment experiences reported by 304 veterans who served in the 1991 Gulf War, also known as Operation Desert Storm. That conflict concluded in February, 1991, after a six-week air campaign and four-day ground war.

Although the war was brief, concerns have been raised about a variety of chemical exposures associated with Gulf War deployment. The Baylor study found that a large proportion of veterans who were in Iraq and Kuwait used PB pills and were exposed to the smoke from over 600 burning oil well fires, which darkened Kuwaiti skies for much of 1991. Investigations sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense also indicate that approximately 100,000 U.S. troops were potentially exposed to low levels of chemical nerve agents released during weapons demolition operations in Iraq after the 1991 cease fire, and that thousands of troops were likely overexposed to different types of pesticides, which were commonly misused and overused during the 1991 Gulf War.

"Our study results strongly suggest that GWI is the residual effect of exposures encountered by military personnel who served in the 1991 Gulf War," said Steele, research professor of biomedical studies in the Institute of Biomedical Studies at Baylor. "Although the specific biological mechanisms are not well understood, we know that a number of the 1991 Gulf War exposures of concernPB pills, many of the pesticides, and low-level nerve agentsaffect the same nerve signaling chemical, acetylcholine, which is involved in diverse processes necessary for normal brain and neurological function."

Gulf War Illness is the term commonly used for the complex of symptoms that affect Gulf War veterans at excess rates and are not explained by established diagnoses or routine laboratory tests. Symptoms of GWI typically include some combination of chronic headache, widespread pain, memory and concentration difficulties, unexplained fatigue, and digestive and other abnormalities. Studies indicate that GWI affects at least 25 percent of veterans who served in the 1991 Gulf War, and that few have recovered over time.

"Twenty years after Desert Storm, it is essential to understand why veterans became ill," Steele said, "to better address the biological mechanisms that underlie veterans' symptoms and to prevent this problem from happening in the future."


Study co-authors include Antonio Sastre, Ph.D., and Mary R. Cook, Ph.D., formerly of Midwest Research Institute in Kansas City, MO, and Mary M. Gerkovich, Ph.D., of the Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics, at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine.

About Baylor University

Baylor University is a private Christian university and a nationally ranked research institution. The university provides a vibrant campus community for approximately 15,000 students by blending interdisciplinary research with an international reputation for educational excellence and a faculty commitment to teaching and scholarship. Chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas through the efforts of Baptist pioneers, Baylor is the oldest continually operating university in Texas. Located in Waco, Baylor welcomes students from all 50 states and more than 80 countries to study a broad range of degrees among its 11 nationally recognized academic divisions.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-09/bu-cog091511.php

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